Chapter Seven

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(George POV)

I woke up in a hospital bed. I could hear the machines running and beeping and I had cords attached to me. My head was pounding and even though my eyes were closed, I could tell the lights were bright. I slowly started to open my eyes. Everything was blurry and weird. I blinked, slowly adjusting to the bright light. Once my eyes came into focus, I realised I was far from a hospital. There was a guy with a mask on and a gun in his hand sitting on the other side of the room. He noticed I was awake and walked over to the door.

"Boss, he's awake." He called out.

Another two people came in, one with a mask on. The unmasked one looked like a nurse and the other I assumed was the boss. He was definitely one of the ones that took me. I recognised the tattoo on his arm, it was the bottom half of a snake that looked like it was slithering underneath his skin. It freaked the hell out of me. Everything about this place did.

"How are you feeling, George?" The one I'm assuming is a nurse asked.

My heart was beating rapidly, I was terrified. "I-I'm good." I stuttered. "How do, how do you know my name?"

The nurse didn't answer, instead, she checked my vitals before they both left the room. There was still the one with the gun in the room with me, I guess he's the guard. The room I'm in is quite small and everything was sickly white, artificial lights shining down on everything. It smelt clean, almost too clean, like the air was filled with chemicals. One of the stronger smells was one of disinfectant. On the right side of the room was a window that had blinds pulled down over it next to the door. On the left, there were a lot of different drugs and chemicals locked in a cabinet. There was nothing in the room besides those few things, me, and the guy with the huge rifle-looking gun.

I could faintly hear people in the next room talking. I couldn't pick up sentences, but I could pick up words every now and again. 'How long' I heard, 'live', 'die', 'pay up', 'torture'. By this point, I was pretty much in tears. I didn't care what happened to me, but what if they hurt Reece? What if they have hurt Reece? The tears were falling freely down my face. I couldn't bear the thought of Reece being hurt.

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I don't even remember falling asleep. My throat was scratchy and my nose was blocked from crying. I just wanted to get out of here and hug my mum and dad, tell Blake I love him and how much he means to me, get Reece out of here too and kiss him. I want to be free again. 

I was trying not to cry again which only made everything hurt worse. But when I saw the nurse come back in, I managed to blink away the tears. The nurse did a series of tests on me. After asking me some questions that I answered with a shaky voice, she went over to the drip that was in my arm. She took the now empty bag and replaced it with a new one. I wondered what was in it. It was clear, it looked like water, but there were a lot of other things I could see in this room that were clear and were definitely not water. I just hope that whatever it is, it doesn't kill me. Or if it does, I hope it kills me quickly. At least then I wouldn't be suffering like I am.

I wonder what my family is thinking. Are they going out of their minds trying to find me? Or do they think I'm just with a girl and not answering my phone? I wish I was with them. I closed my eyes and pictured myself on the couch in my parents living room, watching a movie with them. A bowl of popcorn getting passed around the room, my dad yelling at all the characters doing dumb things, my mum laughing at all the jokes, my cousin Elenor covering my younger cousin Caitlin's eyes when a kissing scene played. I almost smiled. But then I opened my eyes to my twisted reality.

I was in the makeshift hospital room for a couple more days, the nurse occasionally seeing if my condition had improved. I guess they want to keep me alive. For now at least. Hopefully they're taking care of Reece too. Both of us alive is more valuable than just one of us, right? They wouldn't hurt him, at least not yet would they? Did Reece know that I was okay? Did they let him know? I don't remember how I got here, did they come in and drug me again before bringing me here? They can't have, why would they hook me up to these machines if I was okay? All I wanted was answers, but no one seemed like they were in a talking mood. And I was also afraid the guy guarding the door with the gun would shoot me if I spoke. So I kept my mouth shut and prayed that someone would come rescue us, if there was still two of us to be saved.

A/N - Guess who remembered it was Monday all on their own?? That's right, me! Things are starting to get interesting now :).

Okay now a little bit more has happened, do you have any theories? If you come up with anything let me know!!

Okay now a little bit more has happened, do you have any theories? If you come up with anything let me know!!

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This is the tattoo that George was talking about btw, just on his arm. 

- T :) x

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