Chapter Eight

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(Reece POV)

I had laid here, staring at the ceiling since they took George. At first I didn't eat, but then I realised I needed to make it out for George, I couldn't do that without eating. I didn't eat much, I couldn't. I felt sick. I couldn't process that George was actually gone. It is my fault he's gone. Nothing felt real. I lost the person I cared so much for. How am I supposed to process that? I had barely even processed how much I'd come to care for him in such a short time. But still, I couldn't cry, the tears just wouldn't come. So I just stared at the ceiling, wishing I could change everything, wishing I could trade my life for his. But unfortunately, that's not how life works. I'd have to live the rest of my life – however long that may be – without him. I just wish I had've gotten to know him sooner. Why was it that the darkest times and the most unfortunate events make us realise how we feel about the people around us? Life's just cruel in that way, only letting us know when it's too late.

I replayed the day I got taken over and over again. What could I have done differently to stop this from happening? Could I have done anything? Was this inevitable?

I was on my way to meet up with a couple of my mates, it was broad daylight. I decided to take a shortcut through an alley so I didn't have to walk all the way around. I was already running late. If I had noticed the black van following me, I might've made a smarter decision. My head was down as I typed out a message, telling my mates I would be late. I hit send and put my phone away. That's when I heard the tires squeal behind me. I turned around saw what I definitely was not expecting to see. The side door of the black van opened and two or three masked men jumped out, I don't really remember how many. It's all kind of a blur. During my panic, I tried to fight back. I managed to get a few punches in, but I clearly wasn't too successful. I elbowed a guy in the nose and he went down fast. I thought maybe I had a chance. I was wrong. Another guy jumped out of the van, cursing the others for not even being able to do a simple job. Then the guy who I elbowed pinned my arms behind my back. The one who jumped out after the others grabbed my head and pulled it to the side. I tried to squirm away from his grip, but it was a useless attempt of an escape. He held a needle up before stabbing it into my neck. I felt the effects straight away. My vision went blurry and my body felt weak, but I was still conscious as the dragged me to the van. When the door closed, everything went black.

I don't remember anything until a few hours before George was thrown in with me. When I opened my eyes, the room spun. It took a few moments until I could see properly. I tried to stand but just like George did, I fell down. I dragged myself up to the wall and sat there lifelessly until I saw George.

After daydreaming for who knows how long, the door opened and a body got thrown in. They fell straight to the ground. I ran over to him, praying it was George. I pulled the bag off from over his head to reveal the blue eyes I had fallen for.

"George!" I screamed, pulling him into my arms. "You're alive! I thought- I thought they had killed you, I thought you were gone." I cried. 

The tears finally came, but they were tears of relief, happiness.

"Reece, I'm alive, I'm here, I'm here baby." George cried too, pulling us closer together.

It took us awhile to calm ourselves down and stop crying. I pulled back, looking into his teary ocean blue eyes and slowly connected our lips. George put his hand on the back of my neck, not letting my lips leave his for a second. When the need for air got too much, we finally parted. I helped him to his feet, checking him over once he was up.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He nodded.

I pulled him over to the mattress, laying down next to him.

"What happened?" George asked.

"You don't remember?" I replied. He shook his head. "You were working out, I guess- guess you pushed it too hard, and you, you collapsed. You wouldn't, wouldn't wake up. You were out for almost half an hour George." I sobbed at the last part. "When they came to give us food I called- called out, telling them you wouldn't wake up. I thought they'd- that they'd help you, but they took you away. I thought you were dead, George. And it was my fault, all my fault. It was all my fault." I couldn't continue, the tears took over.

"Shh, Reece. It would not have been your fault, okay? You were trying to help me, you didn't want me to get hurt. You did what you thought was best. You made the right decision. They took care of me." George paused. "I don't know why we're here, but they want us alive for now. They didn't do anything to hurt me, except for taking me away from you. That was the hardest part, Reece. I'm okay. I'm okay," George said, holding my face in his hands firmly.

I nodded, not trusting my words. George spoke again.

"Wherever we are, I could hear cars, a road. They didn't drug me when they brought me back, I know which way to go. If we can figure out how to get through that door, I can get us out of here."

A/N - Oh shit. You reckon they'll make it out alive???👀👀

Sorry for not updating yesterday, I felt like total shit and didn't even have the energy for proofreading :(. I better news though, ya girl got her moon boot off today!!!!! After 6 months, I can finally walk again!!! I feel like a baby that's learning to walk but I'm getting there😂 And also I'm seeing Troye Sivan tomorrow!! Plus, New Hope Club announced their album!! Things are happening and I'm happy!

- T :) x

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