Chapter Four

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(George POV)

The day went by as slow as you would expect when you had nothing to do. Once again, we didn't get any water. I thought about filling the plastic drink bottles they had given us with the water from the bathroom, but it was discoloured so we thought we better not drink it. I laid down on Reece, my chin resting on my hands. We were under the blanket again, it had gotten a little cold. I was looking up at him through my eyelashes. He's beautiful. I was lost in thought when Reece spoke, startling me slightly.

"What?" He laughed.

"Nothing," I replied, not taking my eyes off him.

"Why are you staring at me?" He said with another small laugh.

"I'm not, I'm simply gazing," I said with a cheesy smile.

"Alright then, why are you gazing at me?"

"You're beautiful," I replied simply. "When we grew up and I realised I liked guys, I knew you were hot but I never quite realised how beautiful you are. Your lips, they're soft and sweet. Your eyes, they hold all your emotions yet they shine so brightly. Your smile, it's the sweetest thing I've ever seen, and your jawline," I added, running my finger along his jaw, making him turn his head slightly. I dropped my finger as Reece started to turn back to face me, kissing me softly.

"Have you ever looked in a mirror? Literally everything about you is gorgeous. I could stare in your eyes all day, they're such a beautiful crystal blue, every time I look at you I drown in them. And your smile, even on our darkest days it still manages to light up the entire room. Your nose is adorable, I could kiss your button nose all day." Reece said with a little laugh. He lent in and kissed my nose, as he did so I screwed my face up a little. "Do that again!"

"What?" I laughed.

"That was the cutest face I've ever seen!" Reece said. "Scrunch your face up again!"

I tried to, but it was forced so it wasn't the same. Reece went to kiss my nose and I subconsciously did it again.

"There we go." Reece laughed before he leant in to kiss me.

I smiled and put my chin back on my hands, looking down shyly. I looked back at him and continued staring at him. 

I didn't realise I had fallen asleep until I woke up not too long later.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Reece said in a sleepy tone.

"Sorry." I started to move off him, still half asleep.

"Stay," Reece said as he pulled me back into him. "You're like a human blanket warming me up, I love it."

I laughed and snuggled back into his chest. Reece sat up, still holding me close and pulled the other blanket over us. He laid back down and cuddled me in.

"Goodnight Georgie," Reece whispered.

I smiled into his chest. "Goodnight Reecey," I whispered back before letting sleep take me.


I felt myself slowly drifting awake. I didn't want to wake up yet, so I tried going back to sleep.

"Morning Angel," Reece whispered to me.

I looked up at him with a smile on my face. "Morning. Angel?"

Reece laughed. "Angel."

I lent up and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"You wriggle a lot," Reece said against my lips.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you awake." I apologised.

"It's okay." Reece smiled.

I laid back down and got lost in thought. I hate being stuck with my thoughts, I always overthink things and convince myself of the worst. So being trapped in a room with nothing to do is literally my worst nightmare. Am I going to die in a week? A few days? A few minutes? Seconds? Probably the latter. I don't care what they do to me, as long as they don't hurt Reece. I couldn't live with myself if I let him get hurt. I couldn't live. What if they actually hurt him? I felt the tears filling my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Reece asked softly, but concerned.

"Yeah, just stuck in my head," I replied.

"Anything I can help with?" Reece asked as he put a hand on my cheek.

"Na, I'll be 'right."

I put on a fake smile that Reece saw straight through. We're on day five of being trapped in here. We don't know if anyone's even looking for us yet. If they are, are they close to finding us? It's really starting to kick in that we've been kidnapped. The first day was terrifying, but then Reece and I managed to calm ourselves down. We were just at a sleepover, at least that's kind of how I felt. But now that has changed. 

"Is there anything that will distract you?" Reece asked, wiping away the tear that fell from my eye.

There is one thing that always distracts me, but Reece will think I'm weird just randomly getting up and working out.

"Maybe, but you'll think I'm weird." I laughed.

"G, I already know you're weird." Reece laughed. "What is it?"

"I actually quite enjoy working out," I replied.

"I can tell," Reece said, smirking as he ran his hand over my bicep.

I laughed and climbed off him to get to the small floor space so I could try to take my mind off things. And hopefully impress Reece a little while I'm at it. Whether I'm stressed, anxious, or whatever, working out has always been my go-to. I'm not quite sure if it can distract me from the fact that I could possibly die soon, but it's definitely worth a try. Let's just hope the lack of equipment won't remind me that where we are is so far away from a gym.

A/N - I give y'all permission to yell at me... I totally forgot it was Monday again so here is another Tuesday update. I think Y'all might like the next chapter ;) ;). Well, I don't remember the whole chapter but you'll like at least the start of it sksksks. I've been trying to write an epilogue for this to finish it better than I did but I'm struggling so much :((. Like I know what I want to write but I can't find the words to actually write it, it's like that for everything. It sucks. But I am close to finishing the epilogue so hopefully I can do it today! Sorry for the rant. Love you guys!

- T :) x

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