Chapter 1

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A/N Peter was kidnapped at a very young age (3) and his parents where murdered. He was born with Spider powers.
The man dressed in black grabbed my wrists and pointed a gun to my shoulder blades.
"Move." He said in a chilling voice. My body trembles as I stand up. My muscles are sore from yesterday's beating. I squint my eyes as we step outside.
I haven't been outside since I was 3.
I haven't known anything but pain and darkness since I was 3.
The man pushes me into a black car.
"Please..." I wimper in fear. He shuts the door and my world is black again.
I look down at the floor and can barely make out my ripped pants and dried blood.
My stomach grumbles.
I haven't eaten more than stale bread in 2 months.
I haven't gotten new clothes in 4 months.
That's nothing. Nothing compared to the scars they give me.
I learned to live with the pain.
I learned that pain is weakness.
I learned that weakness is deadly.
I can't be weak.
The truck hits a bump and I go flying in the air and hit my head against the wall of the truck. I put my hand on the floor and feel a wet sticky substance. Blood. I put my hand up to where my head hit the wall.
Pain is weakness.
Weakness is deadly.
A familiar feeling that seems to never leave grows a slight bit stronger. I tense.
Don't hurt me.
I didn't do anything.
I'm sorry.
I stick my hand to the side of the wall. The car lurches forward. I become slightly less tense.
The truck slows down and I fight to keep a calm facade.
I can't show weakness.
But I am scared.
Full of fear.
Help me.
The door slides open and light floods in I squint my eyes. The man in Black grabs my hand and pulls me out of the back.
He pulls something out of his pocket.
"Your new home." He hisses making my shiver out of fear.
He opens his hand and I see a needle reflecting the sun.
I try to scramble back but he puts a handcuff around my hands and plunges it into my neck.
I slowly open my eyes. I look around my room. It is dark.
"You're awake." And unfamiliar voice says. I scramble into the corner.
"P-please d-don't hurt me." A man dressed in black comes into view. One of his arms is shiny and has a red star on the should. The Winter Soldier.
"P-please," The Winter Soldier has long hair and a little stubble beard. "Y-your the Winter S-Soldier..." I wrap my arms around my knees.
Don't hurt me.
I beg you.
The man drops down to his knees in front of me. "W-What?" I stutter out.
"Call me Bucky. I'm not going to hurt you." He holds his hand out in front of him.
"I-I'm PTR Spider 7125." I tell the man. My Spidey sense is calm.
"Peter. I'll call you Peter." He says. He looks towards his hand in front of him. I slowly take it. His hand is warm unlike everything else in Hydra. He offers me a small twitch of the lips. Probably a smile. He looks down to my leg then points.
"Can I help you?" I look down at my legs.
"D-Don't Burt me B-Bucky." I stutter. I can not trust anyone.
"It's ok, Peter. We are on the same side." I shake my head. I can't trust him. He slowly takes his hand away and takes off his shirt. His torso looks like mine. Marked in scars. Burned with our names. 'HAIL HYDRA' is written across us. "I will protect you."
The man slips his shirt back on and holds out his hand.
Hesitantly I put my shaking hand in his.
My Spidey sense doesn't go off.
The man walks forward and I don't do anything. He rips off a piece of his shirt.
He puts it over the dried blood on my leg.
I wince.
He slowly moves his hand back and forth to get rid of the blood.
It doesn't hurt.
"It's ok Peter."
Peter? It feels... good To have a name?Peter.

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