Chapter 24

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Hi guys! This is the last chapter, thank you all SO much for reading. I am currently working on a part 2 that will be out within the next two weeks. I will make an announcement on my profile. Thank you all soooo much for reading, don't forget to follow me, comment, and vote as well as read my other stories. Love you all, enjoy the chapter!


My mind goes blank. 


Then I remember. 

Bucky, Steve, Clint, Tony, Natasha, Bruce. I remember everything. 

The cell. 

The pain. 

The tower 

The relief. 

I push against the man's arm harder. 

His face turns to one of shock. 

The needle pludges into his skin. 

His evil eyes slowly close. 

My spidey sense goes off. 

I step out of the way. 

Dr. Evil falls forward. 

He lands on the ground with a thud. 

Dr. Evil is gone. 

We did it. 

I turn around to see the others still on the floor. 

"BUCKY!" I yell and run over to him. 

He has a smile on his face. 

I drop to my knees next to him. 

"Peter... You did it," He whispers. 

"We did it," I say to him. 

I could have never done anything without Bucky. 

Without the Avengers. 

"Can you get up?" I ask him and put an arm around his shoulders. 

I help him sit up. 

Then I let go. 

He slowly nods. 

Slowly the other Avengers start to sit up. 

"Good job Peter," Steve says. 

I nod. 

Then I give Bucky a hug. 

This time it is happy. 

Tears leak through my eyelids. 

After a while, Bucky pulls away. 

Then I walk over to Steve. 

I give him a hug. 

He hesitates for a moment then return the gesture. 

I hear Bucky grunt and instinctively I turn around to look at him. 

He managed to stand up. 

"We need to go help the others back at the tower," the middle-aged girl in a red jacket said. 

A small poke of sadness goes through me. 

I forgot about them. 

HYDRA isn't destroyed yet. 

I nod anyways along with everyone else.


We approach the tall building. 

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