Chapter 23

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Hey Everyone! Today is January 29th, so you all know what that means?? I selected a winner for the writing contest from a couple chapters ago. There were so many amazing stories that I read and it was so hard to decide everyone was such a good author. They were all sooo good and I loved reading all of them. Anyway, I did have to pick one however so the winner of the writing contest is...

(I'm sorry for some reason the tag didn't work but it should be there now)

Lost In Her Past (Civil War Fanfic)

Summary (taken from the story details): 35H-GQ. That was her name. A name for the girl who was left on the streets by her mother at the age of 2. A name for the girl who was imprisoned, tortured and abused by none other than HYDRA. they saw her as a chance, an opportunity to test their dangerous, life-threatening experiments. It took 6 years for their experiments to finally snap and harm the innocent child. 35H-GQ turned deaf and it was entirely their fault.

A few years later something extraordinary happened. At the age of 11, 35H-GQ finally escaped HYDRA. It was dark, gloomy night when it happened. The escape she'd been planning for years. She hand finally....... Hold on. How did she escape again? She couldn't remember. She idly wondered how she could have forgotten that plan.

Amazing job, I enjoyed reading your book a lot! She also had lots of other really good stories out their as well.

Also thank you all so much for reading, comment, and voting on this story it means so much to me and I am so thankful for all of you :)


Bucky stays close to my side. I can hear his breaths echoing around the empty halls. Every so often we hide in a small closet when a student or teacher walks down the hall to go to the bathroom.

My breath quickens.

Only one more hall.

We will either destroy Hydra

Or be destroyed are selves

Bucky lays his metal hand on my arm and gives me a gentle reassuring squeeze.

"It will be ok," Bucky whispers.

I nod slowly.

I want to believe him.

I force myself to.

But my spidey sense tingles in the back of my head.

A nagging reminding me of danger.

Our footsteps come to a stop as we approach the door.

The halls are brightly light and shiny, the opposite of HYDRA.

That almost makes the whole thing more fighting.



My bones scream in pain.

I ignore it.

Soon they will all be gone.

Bucky and I will be safe.

The world will be safe.

We wait.

Soon we hear a loud alarm.

I flinch.

The fire alarm.

We cram into a closet.

I can hear the nervous chatters of students.

I can hear the loud footsteps.

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