Chapter 2

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WARNING: Includes some violence I will mark the beginning and end with an * just so I don't make anyone uncomfortable or something.


4 Months later

My head is resting in on Bucky's chest and he has an arm around me. The room is darkly light, like always. It is better with Bucky here though. It's still not good... but at least I have someone to rely on. Someone that will protect me... Something to loose. For the past four months we have had our turns being dragged out of the cell and either sent on missions or tourtured. When one comes back we clean eachothers wounds as best as we can. Then the guy throws a piece of stale bread in... one to split for both of us. I'm used of it though. In the distance I hear loud shoes on squeaky tile. He's coming. I quickly scramble of to the other corner. We have decided that they can't find out we are friends. They would kill us.

The man dressed in black pulls open the medal door, it squeaks and shakes. Then he takes a step in and stops in the middle of the room. I can feel his eyes glareing at me. I freeze and try to shrink into the background. I look over at Bucky and see his face is distorted in guilt and fear.

We are used of this... longing we could take each others place, but scared to death of what they will do to us this time.

The man in black takes another step towards me.

Please don't hurt me...

But don't hurt Bucky...


The man grabs my hair and I grit my teeth.

Do not show fear.

Fear is weakness.

Weakness is punishable.

He pulls me to my feet and drags me out of the room, I try to follow as easily as I can to minimize the amount of pain radiating through my head. I can imagine the sickly smirk on his face as he shoves the door close and locks it. The hall way is slightly brighter than the hall, as it is light by a small light bulb. His shoes squeak against the floor.




The small noise echos around the quite halls like a canon. I try to hide my fear behind a mask. But thier is to much. I can't cover it up. I haven't seen my face in years.

But maybe thats a good thing.

Sometimes I ask Bucky, though I know he is making it sound better than it really is.

Sometimes I try to imagine it, a haunted look in my eyes, scars all over.

Sickly pale skin and long and curly brown hair.

Muscular arms but skinny torso, with my ribs sticking out.

Yeah... It's a good thing I can't see myself. Maybe it makes all of this feel better than it really is?

We get to the end of the hall and he pulls a needle from his pocket.

He does this every time.

He does this so we don't escape.

He sticks it into the side of my neck.

The familiar sharp pain grows throughout me.

Then my world fades to black.


Then my eyes flutter open again. I am sitting in a chair, handcuffed to it, actually. It is cold and made of medal.
"Hello PTR Spider 7125," The man hissed sending a shiver down my spine. He grabbed a shiny blade from the cart.
Please don't...
The all to familiar emotion of fear consumes me.
I'm sorry...
He takes the blade and runs it across my skin. The sharp blade leaves a red hot trail of pain.
He does it again.
And again.
Pease stop...
And again.
I'm shaking from fear.
And again.
Then it stops.
"Next time it will be worse PTR Spider 7125," he grumbled and puts the knife away.
Blood flows from my opened wounds and he grabs my arm sending pain through out my body. He takes out the silver shot.
Sharp pain in my neck.
I wonder what it would be like to not live in fear?
A soft hand shook my body.
"Peter, He is gone, you are alright," A soothing voice whispers.
My eyes flutter open and I look over to see Bucky, a holding a strip of ripped cloth in his hand.
"Thank you," I say. And look down at all the new scars scattered around me.
"Anytime, anyway let's not talk about that. Here is your food." He hands me a pice if bread. I take it from his hands. The bread is hard, but like always I split it down the middle.
"Here." I say and hand him his half. He pushes my hand back to me and shakes his head. I raise an eyebrow.
"He gave us two today..." Bucky says, "I already ate..." I smile and nod. At first I'm a little bit surprised but I take a bite of the bread. It is bland and grainy. But it's food.
Bucky tells me about his best friend Steve before the war again. He tells me how he protected Steve from bullies and lastly he tells me that I'm a lot like Steve. I reply by saying I hope I can meet him someday and he says,
"Someday..." In a sad voice. I Finnish my bread and all the crumbs then take a small sip of water after I like my fingers.
Bucky lays down and I lay down besides him, my head on his chest.
The room is dead silent besides for the steady beats of our hearts.

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