1) Back to Hogwarts

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Ever since fourth year, Hermione has had a slight obsession with Draco Malfoy. Harry has heard her mumble to herself about how beautiful his pale skin is or how tall and handsome he is. He has let her rant to him, time and time again, about how he never reciprocates conversation or never looks at her, only looks past her.

He has tried to give her advice, but in truth, he's never fancied anyone to the point of dating before. Last year he thought Cho was pretty but when he got to know her there wasn't much there. Their kiss was bland and their conversations felt forced. So he didn't consider himself a great candidate to help Hermione with her boy troubles.

Two years after the crush blossomed, Hermione still talks about Draco but less frequently than before. While on the train to Hogwarts she mentioned him once again. As Draco passed the compartment without a glance in their direction her excitement deflated. "What is it, Harry", she said with no enthusiasm.

All summer Harry had been out of it, constantly dozing off during conversations. Hermione knew it was because of Sirius' death and the threat of Voldemort, but she tried not to mention it especially at times like these when Harry was quiet, "Sorry 'Mione, what did you say?" pulling his focus to the present.

"What is it about me that is so terrible that he won't even acknowledge me?" she said picking at the hem of her sweater.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Hermione, it's that stupid git who's the problem" Ron chimed in, showing his frustration about the situation. Whenever she would bring up Draco, he would either ignore the conversation or have something cruel to say about him.

Hermione didn't reply, she just threw a solemn but annoyed look at him. Ron continued, "What? I'm just speaking the truth! Ever since fourth year you've been obsessed with the person who called you a you-know-what in second year! I just don't understand it."

"First of all, I'm not obsessed with him! And second, we're adults now who know how to be civil. He is not the same person he used to be, I've seen the change in him." Hermione says getting angrier by the second.

Harry puts his fingers to his temple, getting a headache, "Alright, calm down. No need to have the same argument every day. Can we just, I don't know, relax before school starts?"

"You're right, Harry. This is pointless" she grabbed her bag and opens the compartment door. "I'm going to the ladies room to get changed. You'd best change as well, we'll be there shortly." She looked back at Ron and left with a sigh.

Harry turned to Ron with a look on his face that said really. Ron threw his hands up, "I can't win with her! I stay silent and she yells at me, I say what I think and she yells at me! I just don't think Malfoy is good for her, you know?"

"I know what you mean, but don't you think you should at least apologize?"

"I didn't do anything!"

Harry just looked at him. Ron let out a big sigh and got up saying, "Fine, I'll apologize this once, but only because I'm feeling nice today! Not because you made me feel guilty."

Harry smirked at his friend as he left the compartment mumbling to himself.

Harry sat there for a moment appreciating his best friends even though they gave him a raging headache. He looked out the window in silence while his mind wandered to Hermione and her crush. He'd never understood her extreme fascination with the boy, but he never questioned it either . You can't help who you fancy, just how you act on it. And Hermione has definitely acted on it.

She had practically tried everything in the book. Literally, she had read every book she could find on attraction and boys and love. Nothing seemed to work on Draco. Of course she had taken it personally, and she had lost a lot of self confidence because of it.

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