8.) Trust

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Harry let go of Draco's hand and stood up, brushing himself off. Draco looked at the other boy with confusion but didn't say a word.

"Well? Are you coming or not?"

"Guess I have no choice," Draco mumbled under his breath. He started to stand when Harry outstretched his arm. Draco looked at it for a moment, contemplating taking it. "I don't need your help." He stood up and looked down into Harry's face and relaxed a bit.

"Sure you don't." Harry remarked. Draco stared as Harry turned to walk away. He seemed more confident than before. Less like he was going to trip and fall over his own feet. Draco raised his eyebrows in pleasant surprise.

"C'mon Malfoy." Harry teased as he continued walking down the corridor.

Draco picked up his pace to catch up with the other boy. "Um, where exactly is it you're taking me Potter?"

Harry looked at the blonde next to him, "Didn't anyone teach you patience? Plus it's a surprise."

Draco scoffed, unable to believe he was following scarhead around. He stopped in his tracks, shook his head and wondered what Pansy would say.

She would probably encourage him to stay with Harry but then Draco thought of his father. What would he say. His breath hitched and caught in his throat. Flashbacks of The Dark Lord in his home, torturing muggles and mudbloods. Desperate to find a way to destroy Harry Potter.

Draco scratched at his throat which was swollen shut. His eyes shut and he lost his balance, he stumbled backwards. Before he could hit the ground, Harry was holding him.

Harry looked into his eyes which were beyond red. He carefully placed him on his feet and only let go when he knew he was stable. "What the bloody hell, Malfoy. You were just fine, what happened?" Harry searched his eyes for truth but he didn't get it.

"I- I was just light headed. It's nothing I'm sorry, I should go." Draco was pulling at his long hair.

Harry reached up and urged him to let go, Draco saw the trust in his eyes and his heart swelled. Slowly Draco eased his grip on his hair and Harry was able to clasp his hand.

He didn't let go this time. He interlocked his fingers between the other boys, "Do you trust me?"

Draco's eyes were watery and his nostrils were flaring. He struggled to nod his head, unsure if he really did trust him. But in that moment Harry was all he saw, and he was his only support. It was a relief to have someone there for him. Any thought of Voldemort or Death Eaters vanished from his mind and it was just Harry. Not the Boy Who Lived, not The Chosen One, not Harry Potter. Just...


It came out quietly and dryly, unintentionally spoken. This time it was Harry who could only nod in response. There was a weight lifted from both boys' shoulders. The years of hatred and distrust finally shed. It was just them, together. Nothing in between. No house difference, no family, no rivalry. Just two broken boys.

Draco saw a tear escape from Harry's eye and he couldn't stop his hand from reaching out and wiping it. Harry smiled, "Did you just-"

"Shut it." Draco cut him off before he could comment. Harry let out a dry laugh.

"Now that that's over," Harry smiled, "C'mon, no more delays." Harry didn't let go of Draco's hand while he continued to walk in the direction of the kitchens.

Draco didn't mind Harry's hand, rather he found it comforting. Something he hadn't felt before. It was different when his mother would do it when he was a child or when Pansy would listen to him rant. With Harry it felt warm, not literally, but his heart was comforted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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