2) Amortentia

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"Wake up, mate, we're going to be late to our first day of classes" Ron shook Harry's shoulder gently. When Harry rolled over with a groan, Ron casted an aguamenti charm onto Harry's bed, waking him up finally.

"Was that necessary? I was getting up." Harry grumbled still half asleep.

"Yes it was, we have ten minutes to get breakfast before class starts. Hurry up and get dressed, I'm hungry." Ron threw his bag over his shoulder stuffing some last minute materials into it.

Harry put on his robes and tie, quickly brushing his teeth and ruffling his hair, only making it messier. He grabbed his books and together, Ron and him rushed to the Great Hall. Harry burst through the doors first and immediately bumped into Malfoy.
"Watch where you're going, Potter!" Draco spewed.

Harry looked into those grey eyes that kept appearing in his dreams, they were softer in person and more welcoming than one would assume. It felt like forever before he looked down at his feet mumbling a quick "Sorry", and stumbled to his table where Hermione was already sitting. "I never thought you two would get out of bed! It's the first day of classes and you're already off schedule."

Ron looked offended by the accusation, "I was up and ready, for your information. It's this prat who wouldn't get out of bed!" pointing his thumb to Harry next to him.

"Sorry mate, I was having a weird dream", Harry said picking up an apple and taking a bite.

"And what would that be?" Hermione said, a little too interested. "Erm, can't remember" Harry lied again, looking away from her and over to the Slytherin table where Malfoy eventually sat down.

There's something off about him this year Harry thought. Before he noticed he'd been staring for too long, Draco glared up and met his eyes, quickly turning away and whispering something to Pansy. Harry's heart beat quickened, for some unknown reason, and he turned to Hermione while she talked about their schedule for the day.

Apparently Ron and Harry were invited to take Potions again this year, which, much to Ron's annoyance, Harry convinced him to take with him.

When they entered the dungeon classroom, Slughorn was already talking about a potion— Amortentia. The information went in one ear and out the other for Harry as he fought Ron over a textbook.

As Harry approached his classmates, he realized he had this class with the Slytherins. Great just what I needed, he thought. He avoided Malfoy's glare he threw Harry's way and went to stand next to Hermione. She was entranced with the potion which wasn't all that unusual, she was always fascinated by the smallest amounts of magic. When she ignored Harry's, "Hey, Mione, what did we miss?" he was thrown off but forgot about it.

All class Hermione was flustered with the potion she was making and her mind seemed to be elsewhere. She kept glancing back to Draco, as she always did, but this time it was more frequent than Harry was used to.

Harry's repeated successes led to an even more frustrated Hermione. "How did you cut these bezoars, Harry? It's not working!"

"You have to use the blade to crush them. Don't try cutting, it won't work."

She was having an uncharacteristically hard time with this specific potion and asked for Harry's assistance for almost every step. By the end of class she had a potion almost similar to Amortentia but not quite as perfect as Harry's.

Even Slughorn was thoroughly impressed with Harry's work, "A seemingly flawless potion, my dear boy! Without a doubt, this prize surely belongs to you." He handed over the Felix Felicis to an extensively proud Harry.

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