5) Panic

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The weekend was over in a blink of an eye.

On Saturday Harry couldn't stop himself from thinking about his encounter with Malfoy and the conversation they had.

He didn't know whether to regret everything he did and said or to be grateful he found the courage to do so.

He only saw the blonde boy at meal times, sharing a glance or two.

Sunday was spent with Hermione, while she studied Harry and Ron for a test they didn't have.

As usual Ron protested the study session, but Harry couldn't be bothered. His mind was in a state of bliss.

Before he knew it, he was walking to the Potions classroom with his eyes half open. He was dead tired from the past two sleepless nights. He would toss and turn, trying anything he could to get Malfoy out of his head.

Now he regrets talking to Draco at all. Was the encounter really worth losing sleep at night?

Yes, it was. You're going to help him, remember? You promised.

Harry mumbled to himself, wondering what he got himself into. Just then he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

"Hey, Potter!" Draco came running after him, not stopping until he was at his side. "Talking to yourself, are you?" He nudged his shoulder into Harry jokingly.

"Shove off, Malfoy" Harry smirked, bumping his hip into Draco's. He looked around, making sure no one was around.

Draco's heart sunk, knowing Harry didn't want to be seen with him but understanding why.

"I'll stay away from you, you know, in public... if that's what you want"

"What? Why do you say that? Trust me I've had my fair share of controversies, this is nothing."

"If you say so.." Draco was cut off by Hermione running into them in the hall.

"Harry, there you are I've been looking for you-" she stopped when she saw Draco. She looked from Draco to Harry twice, trying to put the pieces together. "Draco, hi."

"Hi.. erm, I better get going. See you, Potter."  Harry just gave a little wave and held back a smile.

"What was that all about?" Hermione questioned.

"Oh him? Nothing. Just passing by, had to insult me as usual." Harry lied.

Hermione didn't believe it but ignored the whole situation. "Did you do your Potions homework?"

"What Potions homework?"

Hermione sighed and shook her head, "Oh, Harry."


Harry dropped his bag onto the floor and his books down on his desk. Heaving a great sigh, he fell into his chair.

Draco peered behind him seeing Potter being dramatic as always, but today he couldn't help but chuckle at his ridiculousness.

He felt his heart skip a beat when the boy looked his way and smiled back. Draco whipped his head around as Professor Slughorn cleared his throat.

Whatever he said afterward was a blur to Draco. His brain was flooded with the image of Harry. He hated himself for thinking about him, but he couldn't help it.

He thought back to earlier when he bumped his hip playfully. It was playfully, wasn't it? Or was he trying to get him away from him? Draco was starting to panic when he was pulled back to reality by Pansy shaking his shoulder.

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