7.) A Chance

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Harry couldn't get a break.

Ever since last week's Potions class when Harry and Draco had their little... scene, Hermione had been pestering Harry nonstop about what it was all about.

Even though she was bright enough to figure it out herself, some part of her wanted it not to be true. She had fancied Draco for years and she wasn't about to give up now.

"Harry, please. Ron and I are your best friends, we should know what's going on. For your sake." Hermione had surprisingly gotten distracted from her transfiguration essay to bring up this topic again.

The trio sat at the round table in the Gryffindor Common Room as the smell of pine and firewood filled them with comfort, but that didn't help Harry.  He was feeling guilty lately for talking to Draco, and not even mentioning Hermione, and for avoiding this conversation every day.

It kept him up at night thinking about his feelings. Would you call them feelings? There was something concerning Draco recently, whether it be sympathy or the need to help, Harry didn't know.

But there was also Harry's promise to Hermione to help her with Draco. More specifically to set her up with the Slytherin. For some reason, Harry couldn't seem to do it.

He lay awake contemplating it, should he tell Draco upfront about her crush or continue to avoid it? 

When Harry didn't answer Hermione, she closed her books and rolled up her parchment, standing and muttering a few words before she was out the portrait hole.

Harry sighed returning to his essay, but his thoughts remained elsewhere.

A grumble from across the table shook him back to reality as Ron leaned back in his chair, "Wonderful she's been lately, don't you think? I for one blame Malfoy. If she wasn't so bloody obsessed with him this wouldn't be an issue."

Harry had known how Ron felt about Hermione for a while now. He saw the way he sunk in his chair and deflated when she talked about Malfoy. But Harry, being a good friend, never mentioned it because he knew he'd deny it anyway.

Harry reached over to pat his friend's shoulder, "She fancies someone and that drives you to do crazy things."

Ron shrugged his hand off, "Yeah well she doesn't have to choose Malfoy to fancy. Honestly, why did she choose Malfoy, the horrid git."

Harry's heart cringed which he didn't know was possible. "I'm sorry mate, it'll all work out for the best. Besides, we don't choose who we fancy, you should know that."

At that Ron gave a dry laugh, "Huh, yeah I've realized that." Shaking his head he stood up too. "I'm gonna head to dinner, wanna come?"

Harry looked down at his half written essay, "No it's okay, I'll go down later. Mcgonagall will kill me if this isn't finished."

"Have it your way. I'll bring you leftovers if you decide to stay up here." Ron was already halfway to the exit, yelling over his shoulder.

Harry mumbled a quick thanks before turning back to his essay which wasn't going to write itself.

After books upon books and constant reference to his notes, three hours later he finished his essay on the characteristics of boggarts and their shape shifting abilities.

He would've finished much sooner if Malfoy hadn't been at the back of his thoughts.

Hermione and Ron had come back and gone into their separate dorms without anything more than a nod to Harry and a pat on the back from Ron.

He didn't know what made him do it, but as Harry was putting his books into his bag he reached for the Marauders Map. Sometimes it was just fun to see students who were out past curfew, and he'll never admit it, but he also kept an eye out for Malfoy.

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