4) Quiddich

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The rush of warmth that flooded through his body haunted Harry for the next week. There was some kind of connection he'd never experienced before with anyone. Why was Malfoy different? 

But he couldn't help but wonder if the other boy felt it too. Was he just imagining things? After all, it wouldn't be the strangest thing to happen to him.

And those silver eyes kept following him everywhere, whether it was all in his head or not, Harry couldn't tell. Sometimes he would catch Draco's eye in Potions or Transfiguration but he would tell himself it was all in his head.

It scared him how much he thought about Malfoy, and it wasn't because Hermione wouldn't stop talking about him. In fact, he would tune her out most of the time and think back to that day outside the library a week ago.

He found himself missing Draco's presence. The awkwardness of their conversations tortured Harry but he enjoyed it. It was something new and fresh.

He couldn't wait until the weekend so he could avoid Malfoy and finally get his mind off the boy.

When Saturday finally came around, Harry woke up annoyingly early. And of course his mind immediately drifted to the blonde haired boy.

He was sick of it. His brain needed to be turned off for at least a day. No silver eyes, no pale skin, no warm feelings were going to haunt him today.

He quickly put on his glasses, brushed his teeth, grabbed his broom and headed to the Quiddich pitch.

If anything could get his mind clear it was riding a broom.

The crisp autumn air cut through his messy hair as he zoomed in large circles over the field.  The view of the castle immediately caught his eye. The beautiful sunrise sat behind the school, it's rays peaking through to create a stunning sight.

Harry thought he'd have to do this more often.

As always, Harry lost track of time flying in circles every which way for hours on end. It was silent up there and his mind was able to shut off for a bit.

It was still morning when Harry decided to dismount from his broom. His plan was to shower, eat, find Ron, and hopefully lay low for the day.

But of course he couldn't have everything he wanted.

As he exited the Quiddich pitch he encountered the one and only Draco Malfoy who greeted him with a sneer. "What are you doing out here so early, Potter?"

Harry cringed at the use of his last name, "I could ask you the same."

They both stopped two feet from each other, "Okay, I see how it is." Draco looked Harry up and down, taking in his wind-blown appearance. Hair messier than ever but Draco liked it better like that.

Harry waited for him so say more but he didn't. He just watched as Draco stared at him.

"Well I'm gonna go get a shower if you don't mind" Harry stepped around Malfoy and headed toward the Gryffindor locker room.

"Wait! Potter" it was out of Draco's mouth before he could stop himself.

Harry kept walking but slowed a bit, "What do you want?"

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