3) Relationships

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"I can't take it anymore, Pansy!"

"First of all, Draco, calm down. Second, what the hell are you even talking about? You can't just burst through my door complaining and expect me to know what you're bitching about" she crossed the room to shut the door behind Draco then slumped down on her bed, patting the spot next to her.

Draco flopped face first onto her bed, letting out a muffled groan. His hair was unusually out of place as if he'd been anxiously playing with it. Pansy sighed, "Is this about Potter again?" she stroked his back knowing how to calm him down.

"He just keeps... looking at me and I don't know what to do."

Pansy's hand froze, "That's your major problem?" She stood up, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It is a problem, Pansy, because he makes me feel like I'm going crazy and I hate it. And it's bad. It's really bad. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Or if I'm supposed to do anything at all. My father would kill me, like actually."

"Any advice I've ever given you on Potter you never take. Give me a reason why I should waste my time today."

Draco sat up, "Because, Pansy, I'm in agony. Two years he's tortured me with his messy hair and green eyes and stupid glasses and—"

"Please don't do this again. I've heard it a million times."

He stood up taking her hands and shaking her slightly, "Then help me, please!" He sounded unlike a teenage boy whose family were death eaters.

Pansy rolled her eyes, "What do you even need help with?"


"Well that helps. What is it about Potter that you need help on?" Draco walked over to the window, staring out at the black night. He thought of Harry and the way he caught his eye every once in a while, and how his heart drops to his feet. He thought of his messy hair that he couldn't stand but also just wanted to touch, to feel the softness between his fingers. He thought of that scar on his forehead that separated him from the entirety of Draco's family.

"Everything, Pansy, I need help on all of it."

Pansy sat down again, this time more determined, "Well then we'll start at the beginning, sit down"


"Harry, you don't have to talk to Draco if you don't want to. It was silly of me to even ask" Hermione halfheartedly said while moving her peas around with her fork.

"Hermione, look at me, I'll help you as much as I can. If that means I have to pluck up some courage and talk to him, I will." Hermione nodded in thanks and gave him the slightest smile.

Harry looked toward the Slytherin table to see Draco staring at him. Why does this keep happening. Harry tightened his lips in a small smile and he saw the corner of Draco's lip turn upward. Harry looked down at his plate, avoiding the awkwardness.

He returned to his food with his heart beating out his chest. As Ron entered the Great Hall, Harry saw Draco get up from his seat and head for the door.

"Hey, Ron's coming and I'm gonna go talk to Malfoy right now. No better time than the present." 

All Hermione could do was nod anxiously with a grateful smile.

He smiled back at her and half ran to the door to catch up. Not knowing exactly what he'll say to Draco, the nerves crept up through his stomach. He didn't know why he was nervous, he's just asking for a friend. When he reached the hallway he spotted Malfoy going up the stairs to the right.

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