Part 82

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Dear Christina, Gabbie and Tate

*get Zach to read his*

Hey, I'm so sorry that I'm leaving like this, I'm not really I'll, I just wanted to leave when you couldn't be home, I'm moving out of the USA, and I'm only ever coming back to see Kylie, you'll understand why she's not coming with me from Zach's letters, out tours have been so good and we've made so many good memories, I know you three will probably hate me but I need to do this, I can't hurt Zach now I'm gone, Only text me when you really need too, please don't say anything about Kylie, just keep her safe when your in L.A make sure she Along the boys are happy, please make sure Zach is okay, and make sure your all okay, I mean I'm nothing much to be missed anyways, so I think y'all will be fine
I don't really have anything else to say so, I guess this is it

I love you all

And I'll miss you all

Yours sincerely




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