A Nasty Nightmare

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   "Berichia olosia" Hermonie replied, answering one of Snapes questions. She was really the only one who answered his questions in class because he asked such absurd questions most of the time, Harry didn't know them. He close his eyes tightly feeling a pain on the side of his neck. He felt it and there were three small bumps forming a circle that seemed sunken in. He saw everything grow blurry, and he squinted, trying to focus and keep himself awake. Harry's eyes slowly closed as he fell to the left and off his chair, onto the ground. 

   Everyone gasped other than Draco who chuckled, "Oh come on Potter, just because you don't know any of the answers you don't have to fake an illness" he rolled his eyes. When a moment passed and Harry hadn't even stirred, even Draco began to worry. Finally Snape told him "Draco take the boy to the infirmary." Draco frowned like he was disgusted but his eyes held a worried sickness to them. He picked up the smaller male "Fine" he carried him out.

   Draco carried the sleeping boy down the hall in no particular hurry. Harry gently stirred in his arms and whimpered, his eyes shutting tight "Please.....Let him go....." Harry said, a gentle whisper in his sleep. Draco frowned and slightly quickened his pace, fearing Potter may be having more trouble than just sleepless nights. 

   When Draco finally arrived at the infirmary with Harry, the nurse instructed him to lay the boy down on a free bed. Draco gently laid him in one with a window above it. He tucked him in thinking nothing of it. He turned to the nurse "He passed out in class, I'm sure you know who he is, he's famous, can I go back to class?" he asked sounding bored but he subconsciously prayed she needed him for something.

   "Actually, Mr. Malfoy, could I trouble you to stay with the boy for a moment while I visit the Headmaster's office?" The nurse asked politely. Draco rolled his eyes and nodded but he was truly a bit relieved to get to stay with Harry. He was...worried, very worried and he wasn't sure why.

   The nurse left quickly feeling as if Draco might change his mind should she take to long. Draco sat down in a chair beside Harry's bed and glared softly. "Tsk, stupid Potter" he rolled his eyes and looked away from him "Always going and getting hurt" he sighed and looked back to Harry just in time to see his soft and gentle face contort in fear and pain, a tear falling from his left eye. "Please....Let us go....." he said nearly a whisper. Draco frowned softly and stood from his chair. He sat on the side of Harry's bed and situated him and Harry so that the brunettes head was in his lap. He gently stroked his head, tangling his fingers in the sleeping boy's hair. He even smiled ever so slightly, an innocent, dreamy smile. 

   It wasn't any more than 15 minuets later that Draco fell asleep, leaned up against the headrest of the bed and his head on the windowsill. He slept with Harry close to him, hoping that would somehow help the troubled boy. He didn't know why he was worried for Harry or why he cared but he did know that Harry meant more to him now than he ever had. Harry was no longer his victim of endless taunting, but rather, someone he needed to protect.

*Inside Harry's 'Nightmare'*

   A man he couldn't recognize held him back, another man he couldn't quite see held Draco who flailed and gnashed, trying to escape. Both of the boys' wands were lying on the ground, useless to them in their attempts to escape. Harry thrashed and tried his hardest to escapee "LET US GO" he screamed 

   "You will not escape us, Potter" a familiar voice said from the darkness around him. The voice came from neither of the stone cold men who held the two boys but rather from the darkness itself, perhaps. Harry growled "You can't hold us here forever!!" he said trying to hold back his tears. He was afraid.

   Draco bit the arm of the man holding him who winced and threw him to the ground. "DRACO!!" Harry screamed. There was no response, Draco's hair covering his face in a beautiful and tragic veil as blood crawled up the tips. His head bled and a small pool of the crimson liquid surrounded him. It was beautiful but also appalling. "DRACO NO PLEASE!! GET UP!!" he cried and thrashed. The man holding Harry let him go as he thrashed hard, causing him to fall to his knees on the cold and unforgiving floor. He yelped loudly feeling his knees shatter. Despite the pain he crawled to Draco "No.....No Draco please, wake up.....Please..." without feeling his mouth move he heard himself say "Draco I love you."  

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