You Have to Believe Me!

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   As Draco stood  to tell him, with Harry in the Slytherin Commonroom, he thought of a way to tell him, 'There is no way in wizarding hell that Harry is going to believe me' he thought to himself. 

   Harry stood in front of Draco waiting. He was a bit worried seeing Draco as frazzled as he was. "Draco, whatever it is, tell me" Harry said softly, trying to coax him into saying what was on his mind.

   "There's no way you're going to believe me, Harry" Draco said, his eyes pleading with the boy standing across from him. 

   Harry seemed slightly confused but he also relaxed a bit "Whatever it is, I'm sure we can work through it and find a solution." He said calmly, watching Draco relax slowly as he spoke "It'll be ok, Draco" Harry said.

   Draco nodded slowly and forced himself to relax. He took a deep breath "Alright..." he looked into Harrys eyes and for a reason unknown to the blonde snake, Harry's eyes calmed him. "I had a dream last, a nightmare. You were in it, we both were and......there was a little boy named Alec.....I-I worked at the Minestry and so did Hermonie...but I came home from work and Voldemort had...." He found himself choked up on the words, but he knew he had to force himself to say it. "He killed you and the boy Harry, he killed you both and moked you, I lifted my hand and into it flew the elder wand, I have know idea how or where it came from-" he was forcing himself to speak and doing so at nearly a million words per second, it was nearly inaudible. 

   "Draco, calm down ok? Calm down. Now, tell me calmly" Harry said

   Draco knew he was being stupid 'it was just a dream' he scolded himself and calmed down. "I had a stupid nightmare where you and  a small boy were killed by Voldemort and I avenged you both with the elder wand" He said calmly and as if it were a rational thing. He seemed almost angry, not at Harry, but at himself. He made sure to leave out the fact that himand Harry were married and the boy was their son.

   Harry was a bit surprised "You're sure?"

   Draco growled "Yes I'm sure, Potter"

   Harry thought for a moment. 'Draco had a dream where I was killed by Voldemort? And he had the Elder wand? It was a dream.....but sometimes mine comes true, maybe Draco has a connection that we don't know about..' He thought, frowning softly as he did "Draco, are you telling me the truth?" He knew it was a mean question to ask but he had to know for sure.

   "Yes!" he rolled his eyes "As if I would lie about something like this" he growled.

   Harry sighed "Ok....Maybe you have a connection like I do, I'm not sure how or why though..."

   Draco frowned "Wait, what?! What do you mean 'a connection'?!" He said confused and pissed that Harry thought he had lied.

   Harry sighed "I mean a connection to Voldemort" he said, thinking still. "Maybe something happened and you have a connection like mine....but why would it just now be awakening???" He said more to himself than to Draco. 

   Draco frowned "I have no afiliation with Voldemort nor do I want one, why would I have a connection???"

   Harry frowned "Maybe.....ugh I don't know. It could just be a nightmare but it doesn't sound like it. It sounds like he's trying to get close to the people I care about-"

   Draco frowned "What do you mean 'care about'??"

   Harry bit his lip and then shook his head "We don't have time now, We should talk to the Headmaster about this." He said and grabbed Dracos arm pulling him out of the commonroom.

   Draco tried not to blush "I....Harry how is he going to help???"

   Harry continued to pull him towards the headmasters office "I'm not sure, but he seems to be rather full of solutions for things" for once it was him dragging someone to Dumbledore's office, not Hermonie. 

Unbelievable (Draco x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now