Dreams of Griffins

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Draco left the shop and went back to his room and he paced, trying to calm himself down. He sat down on his bed and drew his hands down his face. He sighed "Damn Potter......." he wondered why that damned Potter had to be so cute and brave and.....strong. He blushed softly thinking of the boy, a Griffin both in house and nature. He was strong enough to face even the greatest and strongest wizards, smart enough to learn quickly and ask questions that lead to important answers and handsome enough to steal the hearts of not only women, but a boy in his classes. He was everything Draco was not and he knew he had to heed the old woman's words. To change or lose the boy who lived.

Draco got up and changed into his pajamas, black with a green trim and green spirals all over. He climbed into his bed with its black silk covers and laid his head on his poly fiber pillow. He closed his eyes thinking of Harry and how badly he wanted to be holding the boy in his arms at this very moment "harry..." he whispered knowing he wouldn't hear a response. Draco slowly drifted into sleep as he was engulfed by a calming dark void.

   *Inside Draco's Dream*

   Draco heard soft snoring as he slowly began to wake. He opened his eyes and to his amazement, Harry James Potter was laying on his chest. He stared at the boy's head in shock for a moment before a soft smile crossed his face. He slowly raised his hand and ran his long slender fingers through Harry's hair, smiling as he did.

   Harry smiled softly and looked up at Draco "Good morning~" he smiled. Draco looked a bit surprised, Harry was much older now, and he looked just like his father. Harry frowned softly "Whats wrong?"

   Draco realized it was a dream but he wanted to stay in this world, even if it was fake "Nothing Darling, I didn't wake you did I?"

   Harry smiled softly "no, I've been awake quite some time now" he smiled. His voice was deeper and smoother in his older form. Draco loved it, he wished he could lay there and listen to his voice forever.

Harry got up slowly and sat up on the bed smiling to Draco "Time to get up. Gotta make pancakes for our little wizard" he smiled

Draco blushed softly, they had a son? When was this? Was he adopted or did they use a charm to create him? He sat up and smiled, a bit excited to see their 'child' "Alright, Malfoy" he chuckled assuming Harry had taken his name.

Harry smiled and got up, only in his thin boxers. Draco couldn't help but stare just for a moment before he got up cursing himself for being so immature and stupid 'hes my husband, surely I've...ugh!' He thought and sighed softly. He looked down to his hand and smiled softly, a golden band on his ring finger, engraved in it were just four characters, H & D M. He loved it and took mental note to make sure their rings would be this way in the future.

Draco followed Harry through the clean and crisp house, it was beautiful. Gray slate walls with dark wood floors and white wall borders. There was even a small waterfall indented into the wall of the hallway. It was perfect. The kitchen was huge with the stove/oven in the island that sat facing the sink. The fridge was to the left of the sink, back to the wall and around the corner. It was beautiful and peaceful, until a little boy called "Papa!"

A little boy with chestnut hair and green eyes ran into the room and hugged Draco's leg "good morning papa!" He looked to be perhaps four or five, and immediately melted Draco's heart. "Hello my dearest son" he smiled gently and picked up the little boy who hugged him and giggled. He was happier now than he ever had been in his life.

Dark grey clouds grew ever closer outside, the sky took on a slight green tint, but safe inside their home, the Malfoy family couldn't care less what storm may be coming outside, they had each other and that was enough.

"You want some pancakes, Alec?" Harry asked. Draco frowned softly, he had allowed Harry to give their son such a ridiculous name??? In what world would he agree on such a name.

"Yeah! Blueberry!" Alec cheered happily. Harry chuckled and began to make the pancake batter, adding lots and lots of little blueberries, just as his son has asked of him. He did all of this with grace and poise. Harry turned to add the delicious fruit the light hit him just right and it made Draco's heart skip a beat.

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