Dreams of Griffons (Part 2)

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*Draco's dream*

Draco sat at the large dark wood dining table with his son. He was playing with him, a small action figure in his hand, another in his sons smaller hand. His action figure was named Lance and his son's was named Takashi.

Harry smiled and set down three plates of delicious golden brown pancakes. They had little black dots that were blueberries. Alec giggled excitedly, "pancakes!" One had a candle in it "Happy Birthday my little wizard" Harry said and kissed his son's head. The candle on the stack of pancakes was in the shape of a '4'.

Draco smiled, his little boy was 4 today. "Happy birthday Alec." He said and kissed his son's head.

Harry sat down and smiled softly. He lit the candle on the stack of pancakes and began to sing "Happy Birthday" with Draco joining in. After he finished singing, Draco looked at his husband who was smiling happily, then back to his son who blew out his candle excitedly and cheered. He smiled, forgetting this was a dream entirely.

The wrist watch Draco was wearing beeped at him. "Oh looks like it's time for you to go to work, hurry and eat your pancakes so you aren't late" Harry told him, giving him a fork to use. Draco didn't even know where he worked "Did they change the address? I heard there were some rumors saying they moved it" he said hoping Harry would tell him what his job was.

"No, the ministry has always been in the same place," he smiled "And your office is still on the thirteenth floor. Are you feeling alright?" Harry asked.

"Yes, just a slight headache. I'll see you when I get home, Alec be good okay?" he said with a straight face, beginning to get used to this new life. "Yes Papa!" his son called back with a smile as he walked out the door. There was a corvette in the driveway as well as a Peugeot Coupe. He got in the corvette, feeling a bit sporty, and drove to the ministry with the help of his GPS. "Wow, muggles really are advanced" he said. This GPS showed a map hologram on the right half of his windshield that had a little blue dot showing his current location.

He pulled into the large underground parking garage after having to show his ministry ID. He wasn't quite sure how he knew that he kept it in the visor, but he just kind of had a feeling that he did.

He got out of his car and was immediately greeted by Hermione Granger. "Hello, Draco" she said, smiling to him while leaning against the trunk of her car ever so slightly. She didn't look half bad as she'd quite grown in many areas.

"Hello Granger" he said with a tone much like his fathers "Let's go" he said.

"For someone who works in the juvenile division, you're pretty stoic, aren't you?" Hermione said and chuckled lightly. She began walking towards the elevator and Draco followed suit. "Oh shush" he said and rolled his eyes a bit.

Hermione and Draco both entered the empty elevator. Hermonie pressed a button labeled '13 jd' and the elevator moved upward at an alarming rate, nearly causing Draco to lose his balance, however Hermonie was unaffected "Draco?" she asked worriedly "Are you feeling alright? That one seemed to throw you for a loop" she said stating the obvious, however Draco denied it "No, Miss Granger, I am perfectly fine." he said with a low tone.

They walked down a winding hallway and into a large office with two desks. One faced the door and the wall behind it was entirely made of glass, looking out into the beautiful city and the ending sunrise. The other desk face the first and was clearly a receptionist desk. Hermonie went to the receptionist desk and sat down, beginning to look through a file as Draco took his seat at the desk in front of the window wall.

Draco blacked out after that and when he regained his vision Hermonie called "Time to go, come on" and chuckled lightly. "Alright..." he said standing up. He wondered where that time had gone and why he couldn't remember it.

   He began to drive home, remembering the way from this morning. His eyes widened in shock and then narrowed in fear and anger as he pulled into the driveway seeing the front door standing wide open, a big black burn mark on the door "damn it" he got out of the car and drew his wand, quickly going into the house "Harry?!" He called, but there was no response.

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