A Connection Through a Connection

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   Dumbledore frowned as Harry explained what Draco had said. "This is quite alarming..." he admitted to the two boys. 

   This worried Harry deeply "What are we going to do? Do you think he's coming after me again?" he asked "Or Draco?"

   Draco put on a brave face but he was indeed just as worried as Harry. He thought about it 'If Voldemort comes after Harry....What if I can't protect him?'

   Harry and Dumbledore talked about the matter while Draco thought about it to himself. 'I have to be able to protect him, even if it costs me my life.' he thought, growing increasingly angry. "Only I can hurt Potter" he aid, not realizing at first he had said it alloud. 

   Harry and Dumbledore both looked at him "What are you talking about?" Harry asked with a face full of confusion. 

   Draco realized he had said that alloud and he blushed a little "nothing, stupid Potter" he looked away.

   While Harry stared at Draco a moment, confused, Dumbledore put together the pieces of the puzzle "So that is where the conection came from..." the old man said more to himself than the two young wizards in his preasence.

   Dracos head snapped in the direction of the old man "Where? Where did it come from???" he asked, realizing Dumbledore probably discovered his penchant for the boy beside him.

   "Yes, where did it come from?" Harry asked, unknowingly oblivious to the feelings Draco had for him and the discovery Dumbledore made about them.

   "The connection came from this boy's love for you, Harry" he explained slowly "And the apparent love you feel for him as well."

   Draco heard this and froze "The apparent..." He looked to Harry who seemed to be shocked "What? I mean...." Harry blushed softly and looked to the boy clad in green and black, finally realizing his feelings for him.

   Draco blushed and looked away, breaking the eye contact before he could do anyhting embarassing "I have so such desires..." he said giving himself away even further.

   "I don't believe I ever mentioned desires, Draco." Dumbledore informed him. 

   Harry blushed a bit "desires...." he repeated feeling his face heat up rapidly. He imagined Draco without a shirt on and that only made it worse. His face was now the shade of the scarf he wore, the gold on it adding to the contrast.

   Draco turned to him and frowned softly, trying yet failing to calm his blushing cheeks. "I have nothing of the sort Potter" it took everything in him not to smile at the cute boy's blush. It was adorable and he wanted to kiss him just to see if his face would get any redder.

   Harry calmed and frowned softly, clearly disapointed. He looked away from Draco and to Dumbledore "What will this connection do? Does this link him to Voldemort like it does me?" he asked.

   Dumbledore shook his head "No, not quite. Since his connection is through you it is not nearly as strong." he said "Voldemort is unlikely to be aware of this and it can be used to your advantage Harry." he said.

   Harry frowned "I don't want to use Draco. That isn't right, there has to be another way to use the connection that won't put him anywhere near Voldemort." Hary said.

   Dumbledore shook his head slowly. "Unfortunately there is no other way. We must use Draco to our advantage while we still can. The closer you both become, the less likely Voledemort is to realize that there are two connections instead of one." the old man explained.

   "well...." Harry turned to draco with a soft blush "As long as Draco is willing to try it..." 

  Draco sighed "I guess I dont have a choice."

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