A Fake Love

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   The two boys spent the following days in each others company and were even moved into a dorm together in one of the non house specific dorms. Draco hated every moment of it. 'Why must I be trapped with this twat every moment of the day? Stupid old man...' he thought to himself although he couldn't help but blush slightly at the idea of him and Harry sleeping in the same room.

   Harry was oblivious to Draco's frustrated crushing and was more busy studying for his classes. "Worm-wort and...." He read his textbook, whispering the words to himself to better help him remember them.

   Draco stared, watching the boy with soft curiosity. He moved to stand behind Harry and began reading the text book over his shoulder. "That textbook is outdated, where did you get it?" he rolled his eyes at the stupidity of the boy he was standing over.

   Harry looked up to him "I got it from Fred, he said this is the textbook he used to study." He told the blonde with a slight hint of confusion.

   Draco closes the book rather forcefully and looks at the title "He fooled you, dumb Potter, look it says 'O.W.L.'s 1957." he said "He gave you a book from decades ago." He frowned 

   Harry blushed, embarassed by the discovery of his foolishness, "Alright, I'll get a new one" he gets up, willing himself to calm. He trips and falls but Draco catches him and they almost accidentally kissed. Harry blushed bright red and quickly stood back up and left, flustered.

   Draco was pale, the exact opposite of his new roomate. He stood there for a moment in nothing but pure shock "Did he.....Was he blushing..?" to anyone else he would have seemed really angry. He was shocked and couldn't believe that Harry blushed. He blushed.

   Draco went back to their room thinking he would be alone and instead found Harry standing with his face in a pillow, screaming into it. He froze 'WHY IS HE IN HERE?!' he screamed in his mind.

   Harry peeled the pillow from his face and looked at Draco Shocked. After a moment he swallowed and said "I-I thought you would be studying..."

   Draco's lip curled into a scowl "I don't need to study, stupid Potter" he then said without thinking "Unless I'm studying you."

   Harry blushed again, shocked. "W-Whan do you mean by that???"

   Draco realized what he said and growled "Damn it Potter shut up and get on the bed" he meant for the boy to sit down and stop blushing, but Harry took it a whole different way. He blushed even more "WHAT?!?!?!"

   Draco was flustered beyond words at this point and shoved Harry onto the bed. The scarred boy laid on his back not daring to move, he wanted this but he was also very confused and a little scared. 

   Draco growled "Fuck Potter, is this Fake Love to you?!"

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