Like. Hell.

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   Draco sat by Harry's bedside, his face calm but his mind racing with fear and worry 'I didn't cast that fucking charm...' he thought in his head 'who did...' he tried his hardest to recall all his last charms and spells, what mistake had he made. 

   His mind ceased it's whirring when he heard a soft groan from the boy beside him. His head whipped around to see Harry's eyes flutter open and look right at him.

   "Draco..." Harry felt a small smile cross his face seeing the blonde there, seeing his worry. "Calm down you look like you're staring at a ghost..."

   Lucious chuckled "That's because he is" he said "You're lucky to be alive."

   "What happened...?" He frowned, not trusting Draco's father one bit. 

   "Harry, someone cast a humanoid version of a plant growing charm on you, causing something close to pregnancy, as close as a human can experience one knows who cast it, how to stop it, or how lethal it is." Draco sighed

   "I'm....essentially pregnant?" Harry asked.

   "Essentially,...yes" Draco said "They are running an analysis now to see just how close to a pregnancy this is, including if the...thing has someone else's DNA as well." he hid his fear, the fear that this child was his and he would be forced by his father to kill it. His arm throbbed, a reminder of the mark, a reminder of his dark deeds and tasks bestowed upon him.

   "I..." Harry was shocked, he didn't know what to think "o-ok...." was all he could bring himself to say after finding this out.

   Draco sighed, wishing he could hold Harry and tell him it was all ok, but his father demanded a show, and a show he shall get. "I'd  like to remind you, Potter, this alliance is only fake. Your feelings and tears mean nothing to me" he growled, it felt real, sounded real...


   Harry froze and looked at Draco, the memories of the nights they laid beside each other, and the night they went too far flashing through his eyes as tears welled in them. He looked away and nodded, turning rather cold "Yes, of course." he said

   It hurt Draco, but he couldn't let this facade fall, not with his father so close. He stood up and scoffed, "pull yourself together, damn twat" he disguised his sadness and heartbreak as disgust. He left the medical wing, slamming the door, his father close behind.

   Harry sat there in shock and clamped a hand over his mouth, his mind screaming that everything before this point had been a lie. He broke down in sobs, all alone in the massive cold room with dozens of empty beds.

   Draco sighed in the hallway, "Honestly, that twat thinks I care about him? Stupid Potter" he grumbled and rolled his eyes, brushing off his pain. He was starting to convince himself of these false feelings, unknowing of what it would do to Harry.

   Lucious gave a nod and left and Draco slammed his head into the wall once to bring himself back to reality. "Damn it, you oaf" he said to himself, holding his head. He groaned and walked to the infirmary to explain to Harry what had happened. 

   Harry sniffled and looked to the doors. He frowned seeing Draco come in "What now, Malfoy?" 

   The words stung in Draco's heart. He sighed, "Harry, I had to act that way or my father would have caught on and killed you right then." he said, a little harshly.

   Harry relaxed a little, but the frown stayed "And why's that?"

   "Because........I can't tell you but just trust me ok?!" he growled, annoyed at Harry's attitude, although he had every right to have that attitude and Draco knew it.

   "....fine." Harry said, but he was still mad at Draco, what he said really hurt him.

   Draco knew Harry was hurt but he needed to keep his father away from his love.

   Draco sighed "Like. Hell. He's ever getting near you"

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