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"I'm having trouble trying to sleep, I'm counting sheep but running out," Andrea sang as she walked down the street

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"I'm having trouble trying to sleep, I'm counting sheep but running out," Andrea sang as she walked down the street. It was close to ten in the night and she couldn't sleep. Her solution? Wandering around looking for something to do.

She settles on this Georgetown bar. Andrea was certainly dressed for a night out on the town. Why not? She didn't plan on getting drunk. Maybe one or two drinks and then leave.

"What can I get you," the bartender asked.

"Scotch," she said as she took a seat on an empty stool.

"Coming right."

She heard a soft chuckle as someone sat down next to her. He was charming in the kind of way that Frank Sinatra was. A mixture of an old fashioned gentleman with a modern twist. He gave her a charming smile which she was certain he had given to many others before her.

"Scotch huh? Wouldn't have pegged you as that kind of gal," he chuckled as he sat at the barstool next to her.

She shrugged, "It's just that kind of night." Her eyes were fixated on him. "You look familiar."

He smiled, "Watch a lot of politics?"

Sam Seaborn. How could she have been so slow? Andrea chuckled, "Saw you on Capitol Beat last night. What agenda is the President pushing now?"

"Education," Sam responded.

Her drink arrived and she took a big gulp. "Education is the difference to lower income families. We can break the cycle of poverty through education," she said.

Sam smiled, "I couldn't have said it better. Sam Seaborn."

"Andrea"' she replied.

"What? No last name," he said playfully in return as they shook hands.

Andrea shrugged, "Irrelevant to the conversation. I'm just someone who wants to buy you a drink."

"Well that would be nice. But I'm a bit old fashioned."

"I knew you'd say that. Could we please get an old fashion for this gentleman? Thank you." Sam laughed at the irony and pun. "So did you come with friends?"

"Hmm? No. I came by myself. Well, I did come here for chat with an aquaitance but that's irrelevant."

That was how the night progressed. A couple if drinks and talking. Sam was enthralled by the woman before him. She could debate with the best if them. He learned that she had been working with a nonprofit organization that dealt with helping illegal immigrants as legal counsel. Sam knew that if he ever did anything like that Josh would be appalled by the size of the paycheck. It was heaven to Sam. A woman who could speak on his level. Agreed with his positions but also challenged them.

"How are you not working for some politician here in DC," he said as took a sip of his third drink.

Andrea shrugged, "I like what I do. I've considered getting involved."

"Where have you worked?"

"I've worked for law firms, done some pro bono stuff, my resume is long. So Deputy White House Communications Director that's one hell of a title," Andrea said.

He could tell that she was trying to act impressed. "What? Does that not impress you?"



Andrea shook her head. "Not at all Sam. The title does not make the man but rather his values. What impresses me more is your position on education, abortion, gun control, and social security. I am not a woman who is easily impressed."

In that moment Sam wanted to blurt out two words, marry me. She was like a firecracker and a lion mixed with the intelligence of a politician.  The world needed more politicians like her. 

Sam decided to take his shot and declared, "Can I buy you dinner?"

Andrea raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it a bit too late for dinner?"

Sam shrugged, "You lose track of time when you're in politics."

"Amen to that."

Sam gave her a hopeful look. "Is that a yes?"

"Depends where you're taking me to dinner. We'll play it by ear Casanova."


Andrea Bartlet as Chyler Leigh

"The problem with your approach is that you are acting like you are going to lose no matter what you do."


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Samuel Norman Seaborn as Rob Lowe

"I slept with the President's daughter. I'm screwed."

Leo hung up the phone and said, "Well look on the bright side."

"And that is?"

"At least the President doesn't know."


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Old Fashioned // Sam SeabornWhere stories live. Discover now