Marceline Lyte

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I slouched in the flimsy metal chair with my head down. My back still stung from the wound. Before coming here, I was taken to the hospital to get the gash stitched up. I was called to tell the story of what happened to not just me, but my sister as well.

"Start from the beginning, Marceline. It's okay if you're not up to it today." The female cop, who I found out is named Sue, said.

"It's fine. I helped Takuya two years ago and he kept annoying me ever since." I started.

"How did he annoy you?" She asked.

"I'm a very introverted person. He kept talking to me and doing dumb gestures to get my attention." I paused to think for a moment. If I tell her about my notebook I might get in trouble. It is my fault Takuya is who he is now.

"I was invited to a frat party, and I thought it wouldn't hurt to come. He got me drunk and could've taken advantage of me if my friend didn't call me. Takuya would stalk me and send texts, letters, and pictures he took of me in my sleep or when I was out. He attacked my friend for getting too close to me. Then he kidnapped me."

"You were taken to the house after he kidnapped you?"

"Yes ma'am." I answered.

"What happened while you were at the house?" Sue questioned.

"He would always sleep in the same bed as me. He would always chain me up when we weren't in the bedroom or if I wasn't within arms reach of him. Takuya...he would tell me everyday to stop fighting his love and give in. He never hurt me until the day you guys found me. He... He k-killed..."

"Who did he kill?"

"M-My.... My friend, Kenji."

"He committed murder as well? There is a team of investigators at the house right now. They will find his body."

"I already saw it happen." I answered in a monotone voice. "He killed Kenji in front of me. It was a lesson that I should only have eyes for Takuya."

My eyes lowered to my left hand. The ring Takuya gave me sparkled. I should throw it in the ocean now that I'm away from him, but I don't think I have the strength to do it. Maybe I should keep it as a trophy for standing up to him. I wonder if he survived. I did stab him in the chest after all.

Sue hummed in response. It felt weird being in here. I felt confined like in the bedroom Takuya and I would sleep in. I just want to leave.

"Now answer this," she leaned on the table. "Do you know where Amara is?"

I sighed and bit my lip. "No, I don't. All I know is that she left me for this man named Yuto. He's been holding her captive while I was stuck with Takuya."

She hummed and nodded her head. The sound of her phone ringing broke the silence that fell over us. She was talking to the person on the phone briefly before hanging up. Sue looked at me with a warm smile.

"You're mom is here, Marceline. We'll keep in touch. You have information that we need in order to take down Takuya." We both stood up and exited the room.

As soon as I was out of the interrogation room there was a loud squeal. I scanned the room to see who made the noise until I saw my mom running towards me with tears in her eyes. She wasted no time in engulfing me in a hug. My body stiffened.

"Marceline, I was so worried about you. I didn't know where you and Amara went. I went to your apartment and no one was there. It looked like a hurricane hit. Then the police called me saying they found you."

I tuned her out as she rambled. This woman in front of me isn't my mother. Where is the cold woman that was always disappointed in me? Who is this?

"Mom...please let go of me." I grumbled.

She looked at me with a somewhat hurtful look. She pulled away from me slowly. I noticed everyone at the police station stopped what they were doing to watch us. I felt even more uncomfortable.

"A-Are you okay, sweetie?" Mom asked.

"Just peachy." I muttered as I speedwalked out of the station.

Something didn't feel right about all of this. A part of me wished I stayed in bed with Takuya and another says I did the right thing. Maybe I just need time to adjust to everything.

I'm fine. I'm free. He won't be back.

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