How To: Groom

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Grooming and Grooming Supplies

Brushes: Body Brush and Dandy Brush, Mane and Tail Comb, Curry Comb.

Others: Hoof Pick, Metal Curry, Fly Spray, Rubber Bands, Shedding Blade.

Step 1

Take your Curry Comb and putting slight pressure, brush in a circular motion. This gets all the dirt and excess mud from under your horses coat out. Do this all around the and under the stomach, withers, back, neck, croup, loins. Not on the face or legs.

Step 2

Keep in mind that a Dandy Brush is stiff and a Body Brush is soft, make sure you take the right brush. Grab your Dandy Brush and swipe off all the dirt and hair on your horses body and legs. Ignore the head for now. This brush is too stiff to use on your horses face.

Step 3

Using your Mane and Tail Comb brush out any hay or tangles in your horses mane, tail, and forelock after spraying a conditioner of some sort. I use Show Sheen on my horse.

Step 4

Take your hoof pick and stand on your horses left front leg your back facing their front. Running your hand down their leg and squeezing a bit as you go, making a clicking noise and your horse should pick up his leg for you. Scrap out any dirt, mud, grass, poop, etc. of the hoof.

Step 5

Grab the Body Brush. This is the last step of grooming your horse. Run the brush along your horse's body. Legs, face, back, everywhere. This gives it a soft coat coat and takes off any excess or lingering dirt.

If it is a warm/hot day, grab some fly spray and spray your horse's body, legs, and under their barrel. Grab a body brush and spray some fly spray on it, or spray some in your hand, and rub it on your horse's face.

Also, if your horse is at its shedding stage, grab the shedding blade and scrape all the unwanted hair off your horse.

You can also braid or plait their mane and tail securing it with an elastic.

I hope the fist chapter was helpful. Thanks so much for reading

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