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tutelage: noun

because yesterday's chapter was weak as hell- so surprise!

Rose's Point of View

just got tickets to see your show! finally! i'm bringing the whole family :)

As soon as the bang of the taxi's trunk closing over my suitcase sounded, I put my phone back into my pocket and was on my way to the NYC Ballet Theatre. It was Nutcracker season as Winter was soon approaching, a huge family favourite.

I pulled my faux-fur coat tighter around me as I neared the theatre.

I was playing the role of Clara, who receives a nutcracker soldier as a Christmas present and then dreams of an entire story featuring the soldier, a Candyland, a snowflake forest and all sorts of magical goodness. I'm thankful I only have a couple costume changes, Clara basically wears a simple white frock-

Hold on.

'Oh my God!', I shrieked.

'Ma'am?!', the cabbie turned around to face me as the car hit a huge pothole.

The car dipped in and out causing my head hit the roof of the car.

'Ow!', I groaned, rubbing the top of my head.

'Listen, sir,', I said as he swerved on the one way, 'We need to go back!'

'What?', he asked, turning around to look at my face.

'Don't turn around!'

The cars behind us honked, making me flinch.

'We need to go back, sir!', I yelled over the car horns.

'Back?', he asked.

His hand gripped the gear stick, pulling the car into reverse.

I looked through the back windshield in horror.

'No! No, we're going to hit someone!'

But it was too late.

We hit the bumper of the sedan behind us. The taxi driver got out of the car, yelling at the poor woman in the driver's seat.

My bag!

I hurriedly got out of the car. The trunk of the taxi had a huge dent in the centre. I looked over at both the drivers quarrelling as multiple cars behind them beat their steering wheels in anger.

I managed to get the trunk open just enough to squeeze my suitcase out.

'You! Where's my money?', the cabbie yelled, coming towards me.

'But we need to go back.', I tried telling him.

'No, I'm not going anywhere with this! I want my twenty dollars now.'

I pulled out a bill from my back pocket handing it to him grumpily as I rolled my suitcase onto the footpath, sitting on the dusty ground.

I waited for Taehyung to pick up as I dialled his number.

'Tae, I need your help. I don't have any money, I left my costume bag at home and I need you to drop me at the theatre. I'm so late-'

'I'm at my opening, Rose.', he sighed.

'Oh shoot!', I hit myself on the forehead, 'I'm sorry, I'll just-'

'Don't worry, I'll call Jimin. I've got to go now, good luck for the show!'

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