Scenario| How they cuddle

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Kim Seokjin

You know he has really broad shoulders. So I think he likes it when you put your head on his shoulder. At this position he can also wrap his arms around you and get you closer to him. He wouldn't talk that much, maybe some dad jokes but actually he enjoy the time you both spend together because he has many schedules and isn't able to spend so much time with you.
"How does a penguin build it's house?"
"Oh common Jin not now.... "
"Igloos it together. Hahahahaha"

Min Yoongi

I know you think he is a cold person and don't like skin ship but actually he is a cute little bean. But that doesn't mean he isn't savage and doesn't tease you. I imagine that you two lie in your bed and he is the big spoon or you lie on his chest. He would listen to you and don't speak that much, it's not like he don't want to talk to you it's more like he loves the sound of your voice.
"And that's how i ended up there..."
"Hm? Yeah i now you told me this story 300 times before."
"Noo that's not true! Maybe i told you this yesterday but i don't think you listened to me."
"I always listen to your swe...i mean shit."

Jung Hoseok

This sunshine would wrap his arms all around your body. He is the cute and deep cuddler. I mean he is totally sweet and would press kisses on your whole face and compliment how gorgeous you are. He also cuddle up to you and sometimes he would lay his head on your chest and you fodle with his hair. The other way could be that he wrap his arms arround you so you can rest your head on his chest.
"You know what Y/n?"
"You're the most precious and gorgeous human on this whole planet."
"Thank you....I love you too hobi."

Kim Namjoon

Yeah he is the one who holds you tight in his arms and talks about the future and the whole world existence. One arm is around your waist and the other caress your cheek. Maybe this could turn in another direction tbh he has a dirty mind. But this fluffy boy can't believe that you're his whole world and that he loves you more than anything on this world. He definitely would talk all the time.
"Do you think there is a reason for our life's?"
"I don't know joonie. Maybe."
"I think there is a reason and this is why i was able to meet you."
"Aww that's cute."
*Namjoon blushes*

Park Jimin

The touchy one. He loves to touch your body and roam his hands all around it. Otherwise he could be the small spoon when he feel sad or he is exhausted from his dance practices. But actually he is the big spoon so he doesn't feel so small. Aish this boy is to cute. He tell you how beautiful you are and give you 100 of compliments.
"You look so beautiful every single day."
"You're so cute Jiminie. You are the handsome one...."

Kim Taehyung

Honestly he could cuddle you every second. When you two lie in your bed he wrap his legs and arms arround you but he would prefer that you two look at each other. He loves the way you can look at each other. Bear hugs is a must have. Sometimes you two have really deep conversations.
"Sometimes i feel so sad but when I came home and see your face, that's the best feeling in this world. I love you Y/n."
"I love you too TaeTae."
"But I love you more...."
"Nooo I lov....."
"Don't try it Y/n you know I love your the most."

Jeon Jungkook

I think he prefers the big spoon so he feel more manly and safe. He also loves it when you put you head on his chest and he lay his head on yours.
He wouldn't talk that much but he's humming your favorite songs.
Actually he loves cuddling but wouldn't tell you that.
"Today's dance practice was really fun because Jin hyung dripped over his feet."
"Is he hurt?"
"No but it looked so funny. Do you want me to sing your favorite song?"
"Yes pleeeaaaaseee."


So this is my first scenario and i hope my grammar isn't that bad.
Please vote when you like it and if you want more.

Much love from your autor-nim

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