Reaction| You being jealous

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Your boyfriend is in the dance studio with the boys and practice for the comeback. You tought it would be a good idea when you visit him and bring them some food. Yeah how should i say..., when you enter the room you see your lovely boyfriend flirt slightly with the new dance teacher. *cough* she is a really beautiful woman and thats when the jealousy pushs over you. You go the next corner and watch the two carefully when they giggle all the time.

Jeon Jungkook

He would find it absolutely adorable. I think he is this kind of person who rub that shit in. When he see the reaction on your face he would enjoy it and he knows he has the complete power of you. But he knows you dead line and would come up to you and put his arm around your waist, pull you closer to him and kiss your cheek.
"Is my Y/n jealous?"
"Are you sure? It seems like that your head would explo-"
"Shut it Jungkook."
He kiss you on your lips passionately and after that he would pull you closer to him. He is defentantly the person who tease you about it for the rest of your life.

Kim Taehyung

Neither of you were the type to get jealous easily but that was before the woman rub his arm. So when he noticed that you were jealous he would feel terrible on the one side but on the other side he would find it somehow really cute. He would laugh at you because he think your reaction is too cute.
"Y/n why are you jealous? I don't do anything."
"Not you but she looks at you in a worship way."
"Don't worry you're my one and only number one and my heart only belongs to you."
After the practice he would give all his attention to you because he felt bad for you being jealous.

Park Jimin

He is usally the one who was teased for always being jealous but this time it was you. But he's a natural flirty man so he wanted to rub it in to show you how he felt when you go out with other guys. While he practice with the woman he watches your expressions carefully and looks the whole time in your direction with a smirk on his lips. He starts to flirt lowkey with the teacher. When he saw your pissed expression he come up to you and hug you tightly.
"Y/n this is how i feel when you went out with guys and flirt with them."
"I don't flirt with them, they flirt with meeee!"
"Just kidding. *giggles* I love you with all of my heart. You don't need to be jealous."

Kim Namjoon

To be honest he knows you so well that he noticed it right when he looked at you. You were watching him from the corner laughing and giggling all the time with her. He would tell her that he needs to speak with you, because he feels really bad even tought he didn't do anything wrong. He don't want you to feel jealous and hurt.
"Y/n why are you jealous? I don't do anything with her. Remember i only love you with all of my heart."
He placed a kiss on your forehead and smiles.
"I-i wasn't did you know?"
He laugh and pull you in a hug.

Jung Hoseok

He was doing a really close dance with her and of course you are jealous, how could you not? He knew that you would be like this since he told you about the dance but he would make sure that you're comfortable with it. He spend a lot of time with you and give you all of his attention after the practice. Of course he spend a lot of time in the studio because he loves to dance and you know it and this dance is important for the comeback. You tried to get comfortable with the thought.
"Y/n i know you don't like it but this is really important for me and after the practices i spend all the time only with you. I promise."
"I know hobi. Everything is fine i love you."
"Thank you. I love you more baby."
He pulled you in a thight hug and kiss you passionate.

Min Yoongi

He would find it cute and funny at the same time. When he start to focused on the dance he see you facial expression and know that you are jealous af. At first he find your clinginess adorable, but after some time passed he find it a little bit annoying and would get frustrated. He's only doing his job and you were lowkey distracting him. But at the end he would make it up to you making sure to spend enough time with you.
"Y/n i love you and you know that. You don't need to be jealous and being this clingy arround her."
"But did you saw the way she looked at you?"
"Stop...... we don't need to discuss this right now."

Kim Seokjin

We all know he isn't the best dancer and that's why she never left his side the whole time. He start to flirt, laugh and giggle with her and that's the point when you had enough. He noiced you and come up to you really fast. He hate it when you're jealous and have the feeling you can't trust him.
"Jagiiii you bring us food? That's why i only love you, because you take so much care of us. You don't need to be jealous i love you."
"But why you fli-"
"Shhhh I'm worldwide handsome and that's why she can't stop starring at me."
He gives you a kiss and put a arm arround your waist. He went to the teacher and present you as his girlfriend.

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