Scenario| under the shower with them

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Taking a shower or a bath with them
No smut

Kim Namjoon

Taking a shower with you is Namjoon’s favorite thing in the world. For some reason you two seem to have the deepest conversations with each other when you are in the shower. Always have your hands on each others body and massaging the shampoo into the hair. Today you two were talking about the upcoming tour and how sad you are that he leaves you again. You ran your hands over his back softly as it were covered in soap, to try to relax his shoulders and hoping that he would feel comforted by your gentle touches. You give him a soft massage on his shoulders. It seems to work as you see his shoulders visibly relax. He turns around and hugs you close to him. “I’m going to miss you baby.” “I’m going to miss you too Joon. But we’ll be okay. We always are aren’t we?” He smiles at you and places a kiss to your cheek, than on your lips. “I swear once I get back and if you’re still waiting for me I’m going to ask you to marry me. You’re perfect for me.”

Kim Seokjin

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Kim Seokjin

Showering with Jin always leaves you two clean but your bathroom a mess. He takes the shower head and sprays you with it, half of the time missing you and getting water all over the floor. He makes bubbles from the shampoo and blows it into your face. Most of them ends up on the floor and counters or in your eyes. And if you try to jump out to get away from him he instantly has a hold on your waist and pulls you back. Every time the water drips all over the floor and leave a huge mess. But you both wouldn’t have it any other way. He loves being playful with you. The fact that you two are able to laugh and joke around with each other so easily just makes him love you that much more. 

Min Yoongi

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Min Yoongi

Yoongi finds it very hard to keep in things in the shower with you. He can’t help it he just thinks you’re so beautiful and sometimes his hands start wandering around your body. So you have to scold him for it.most of the time and remind him that he should keep it to himself. Sometimes you give in and let him have his way with you but today you are having none of his nonsense. You turn him around and start shampooing his hair and gently rubbing it into his scalp. He hums in satisfaction. “That feels good baby.” You continue your miniactions as you lather up your hands with soap and rub his back and shoulders for him. “You’re making it very hard for me to behave sweetheart.” “Hush Yoongi. Just relax and let me spoil you for a change.” He starts to relax when you start humming a song for him. He turns around and envelops you in a tight hug. “I love you jagi. So so much."

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