Passionate kisses

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Kim Seokjin

Soft and slow moving kisses.
Almost do it in a slightly passionate or passionate slightly light-heated way. When he kiss you he runs his one hand along the side of you arms and the other one placed on your neck to pull you closer or gently on your cheek. When he kiss you he'd stare at your lips as he moves. Sometimes he brushes his lips softly over yours as test but after that he return to fully cherish your lips with his. When he kiss you slowly and passionately he keeps you in firmly in his pace. Ocassionally he'd tongue fights or bites your bottom lip gently but actually he stays in one position.
"Jagi stop moving."

Min Yoongi

Firm and steady kisses. Most days he'd hold the top of your hair and plant kisses in your hair.
But when he kiss you he start of slow and running his hands over the curve of your shoulder then cards the through your hair. When he want a real kiss he'll press his palm into the back of your neck firmly to keep you in place. But when he deepens the kiss he put his hands on your waist to draws you towards him and press his lips on yours. He takes his time to loving them. He keeps his eyes closed when he kiss you but when he pulls away he open them to gaze the way you become breathlessly.
"Give me another kiss like that baby."

Jung Hoseok

Sweet and passionate kisses are his favorites. You'll know when he want kisses, he stares at your lips when you speak and lick his. Likes to hold onto your sides or on your waist when he kiss you and after the kiss he press his forhead against yours. He always smiles after the kiss and you brush noses and he'll softly call your name. Different as Jin and Yoongi he title his head to the side and moves a lot to progess you into a passionate, frantic kiss, his hands will move up from your sides to the small of your back. He loves to bring you as close to him as he can and so he can control and rythmic the kiss. And when you finished he presses your forheads back at each other and has a big smile on his face.
"Kiss me more often like this."

Kim Namjoon

He is the one who intimate, sensual kisses. He's really controlled, dominating and strong. He gives you this kind of kisses that leaves your lips swollen. Every time when he kiss he'll laying you down or press you against something. He'll always gaze at you intensely and comes forwards and ease his body onto yours and seeks your lips with his. Always has a tight grip on your hip with his one hand and the other one is on your neck. Deals pressure according on the lip movements and begins moderately and intensfies every second. Biting, licking, heavy breathing these kinds of kisses which leaves you dizzy. As much as you want air, you crave for him more but when he pulls away from you, you can't stay off for long.
"Again, I want more babygirl"

Park Jimin

Sweet kisses that grow with need.
If you're lying side by side in bed, he pulls you closer with a smile. Comes forward and kiss your cheek, nose, eyes and forehead and laughs sweetly as he does so. When he comes to your lips he glides his mouth vertically over yours. Because he loves the spark that courses through his body whenever he kiss you. Repeats this movement a few times. When he settles over your lips, he'd crawl over your body and hold himself above you. This is the beginning of his urgency his lips begin to move harder and faster with need against yours. His hand begins drawing circles in your hip and when he pulls away both of your lips are swollen and he'll be breathless when he speaks to you.
"Lets go further Jagiya, I need you."

Kim Taehyung

His kisses change depending on his mood. When he passes by you in the mornings, he'll drop kisses on your forehead or on your nose. Sometimes when he's greeting you he'll bury his lips into your hair and before bed he'll kiss your shoulder up and down when you lying in bed while he's hugging you from back. But when the time is coming he kiss you as sweetly as ever and building up the atmosphere. He'll feather kisses along the side of your neck while stringing his fingers into your hair and brushes his nose along your jawline. And when he find your lips he's neither soft nor hard, fast nor slow this man knew exactly what he does. Ocassionally tugs on the strands of your hair making causing both of you hearts jump in excitement. Fans his breath along your face up to your ear and whispers the sweetest and loving needes in your ear.
"Don't be shy come closer baby."

Jeon Jungkook

The other one who dependent on his mood. Most of the time he likes to draw your hands over his shoulders and around his neck, then settles his hands on your waist. He often laughs and pressing ticklish kisses your ear or cheek and his lips moves swiftly and cutly. But other times he becomes passionate and intense. Yeah he's progressively rough and gives dominating kisses. Sometimes when he's in the mood his strong hands and arms would press you against his body or against something to hold you still. His other hand would lie beneath the back of your head to keep you forward. Will draw slow, breathy and teasing butterfly kisses along your jaw to your collar and back to your lips. When he's coming for you lips his stare would be piercing and hungry. A lot of lip biting and when he pulls away he would smirk at your breathless state.
"You look so fucking hot you know?"

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