Scenario| Morning kisses

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Kim Namjoon

He would accidentally wake you up by kicking you with his leg. When you woke up, you tucks your head into his neck and give him sweet kisses until he is fully awake. He put his arm around your waist and as soon he realizes the time he sight to himself. He wiggles his fingers arround your hair.
"I think it's time to get's already 10 am." You say.
When you refuse to move, he turns you over and start to kiss you passionately. It turns really quick in a hot make out session.
"I guess we spend the day in the bed. Would you mind it y/n?"
"Stop talking joonie and kiss me."

Park Jimin

He would roll on top of you and give you super soft butterfly kisses. He is also the type to also go about his mornig at first, before decinding to wake you up. Sometimes he do squats at the side of your bed and staring at you for a little bit. When he watches you, he realizes that he is the luckiest man on this whole damn world, because he has you by his side.
After his little work out he presses super fast, light kisses on your cheeks until your awake.
"Jimin stop, I'm awake.''
"Noooo you're too cuteee y/n-ahh. I want to kiss you all day long."

Jung Hoseok

The coddling affectionate kisses.
Rule number one, he doesn't wake you up until he has his morning rituals done. When he's done, getting back into the bed with you and watches you for a little. He would roll you into his arms, pressing you against his body and nuzzeling the side of your head. Fast big kisses onto whatever part of you he can get hold on and makes weird sounds to wake you up.
"Muuuuuhhhhhh y/n, wake uuuuuuuup, MUUUUUHHHHHHH y/n wake up now!!! MUU-"
"Stop Hoseoooook."
"But I'm a cow....MUUUUUUUHHHHH."

Min Yoongi

The soft and nuzzeling type. Kisses along the edge of your ear and the side of your neck leisurely and does so while cuddelimg you even tighter. Oh and don't forget his little grumbling noises. Would keep doing it until you turn arround and face him. You put sweet kisses on his whole face and that's the moment when he is totally happy. Then you burry your face in his neck and give hin one last kiss on his cheek.
"Finally you're woke up."
"That's because you beg for attention..."
"I love you y/n."

Kim Seokjin

He is the one who wakes up before you and goes about his business in the morning like every day until it's time to wake you up. The most important thing is giving you every minute to sleep. When it's time, he sits beside you on the bed brushes your hair behinde you ear and drops sweet kisses onto your forehead. He does it until you wake up a little annoyed.
"What do you want?"
"Now isn't  the time to be grumpy, Y/n. Now let's come with me breakfast is ready."

Kim Taehyung

Oh boy, this cute baby is a very deep sleeper. Tbh you're the one who wake up first and must wake him up and this isn't a easy game. So you cuddling against him and bury you head in his neck. You wait until he wakes up because he worked so hard and he deserves every minute. As soon as he is awake he wrap his arms around your waist and start to press super sweet kisses along your jawline to your collarbones.
"Good morning sweetheart." He mumbles with his deep voice.
"Good mornig babeee."
You want to make breakfast for the two of you, as you stand up a hand drag your wrist and pulled you back on the bed.
"Not now Y/n first of all we cuddle...."

Jeon Jungkook

He is the playfull little shit, jfc. Though he takes some time for him to get up, but he is active as hell, so he's moving around before you wake up. His personality is extra, so he makes the whole thing so damn dramatic. He stand beside your bed and drops his head onto yours like a chicken and those kisses usally hurts after some time. After he didn't get a reaction from you, he starts to jump on the bed and fell with his body on yours and start tickling you.
"Aww Y/n don't be mad, now we can eat brea- STOP HITTING MY ARM. I'm soooooooorryyyyyyyyyyyy...."


So this is a short one hope you don't mind it. Tomorrow is christmas and i'm excited af. I love christmas sooooooo much...and you?

More updates are coming i promise💜

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