Reaction|You trying to get their attention

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Kim Seokjin

He is in the kitchen the whole day because he was trying out new receipts. He is so excited that he is mixing  something in the bowl for hours and almost forgot his girlfriend.
You spend your whole day in your living room and watch Netflix after some time it was so boring that you decided that you were more important than his new receipts and give him a back hug. He found it cute but continued mixing. You laid your head on his back between his shoulder blades and suddenly kissing his right shoulder blade. He feels it through his thin fabric of his t-shirt and stopped. He realized that he kinda shut you out from excitement and gave you a kiss on your forehead and let you help him finishing the receipt.

Min Yoongi

He was sitting on his couch in his 'genius Lab' looking for something for their new album, while you sitting on his chair watching him for a while now and spinning around of boredom. You know how much he loves his work but you can't help you only want his attention. So you wheeled over where he's sitting and calling his name over and over again. You intertwined your hands and give him some glares. But he only cares for his work and pay no attention to yo but still holding your hand. You play with his hand and kiss the back of it. Yoongi looked up and start smiling of the feeling of your lips on his hand. 
"Y/n? What are you doing?" He puts his work by side and wait for an answer. "Nothing just want your attention. You worked so long on this." You answered with a pout. He smiles and pull you on his lab. You smiles because now ypu have his whole attention.

Jung Hoseok

Tbh he's so fucking active and give you always his whole attention but not today. He sits on the couch and scrolling through his phone but you want his focus on you also this night should be your date night after months. You tried to make some weird sounds and moved closer to him but no reaction. You wished he shows you what he's doing or give you some attention but he keeps scrolling through his phone. Suddenly you tickled his side making him jump and scream in surprise. "Oh my god y/n what are you doing? You gave me basically an heart attack." He screamed and placed his hand on his chest. Finnaly you got his attention, I mean you thought because he goes back on his phone. You sighed in annoyances and gave up by laying your head on his shoulder. "Awww is my baby tired? Lets go to bed and cuddle." He says. Wow who had thought this is that easy to get attention.

Kim Namjoon

Something that Namjoon can do everyday is reading the whole day non stop. You on the other hand like books to but today you had enough of it. Namjoon spend the last four or five hours with the book now and you feel lonely and miss his touch. You know how to get his attention easily so you sat next to him where he is lying. He looked up and gave you a smile but went back to his book, gosh he knows what you want but don't want to give it to you that easily. You scoffed. Now plan B is coming. You slide between him and this stupid book but nothing you know you must go further and start placing sweet kisses on his jaw to his neck and suck it lightly. He chuckled and locked eyes with you. "After this chapter I will be all your okay?" You smiled as responds and put your head on his chest while waiting for him to finish his chapter

Park Jimin

You were laying on your boyfriend chest while you two watch a movie together, well Jimin was but you had gotten bored of it. So you start to admire his beauty not paying any attention to the movie anymore. You want him to know how georgouse he is inside and outside. You tugged on his shirt to get his attention but he didn't feels it because he's to focused on the movie. So you began tracing his features lightly with your finger but it doesn't bother him in any way so you continued. When you traced his lip he suddenly kissed your finger, startling you since you were focused on what what you had been doing. He chuckled and kissed your temple. "I love you sweet bean." He says and continued watching the movie.

Kim Taehyung

He knows it when you want his attention and now you trying your best to get it but he continued ignoring you, wanting to see how far you go to get it. He was laying on the couch with his eyes closed and you knew he wasn't sleeping. You went to where his head laid and crouched down next to him. You boobed his nose and kiss his cheeks, after all he didn't moved. So you gave him some kiss on his jaw and then on his lips but still nothing. You got up and crawled on top of him to cuddle him. He laughed on your cuteness and wrapped his arms around your waist to hold you closer to him. "Y/n you're so cute you know that right?" He chuckled, kissing the top of your head and still rubbing your back.

Jeon Jungkook

He was playing videogames....again for the whole day. You looked at him where he was sitting on his bed and pouted. He didn't even ask you to join him either which made you a little upset. You had have finally enough of it and went beside him on his bed, hoping this would catch his attention. But to your dismay he didn't even gave you a questioning glare. You didn't enjoy his games so he was wondering why you sat beside him and watching him but quickly realized what you want. He laughed evilly in his head and continued playing his game. You pulled on his sleeve, pocked his cheek and has messed up his hair but he wouldn't  budge. It was so obvious that he is ignoring you so you decide to leave his room but as soon you got up you were pulled back on your wrist and landed on his chest. He hugged you and kissed you cheek. "It was just a joke please don't leave me okay? I love you." You smiled in a victory.

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