Reaction| Them being jealous ~ maknae line

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Jeon Jungkook

Tbh with you guys, we all know Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook is this one guy who gets jealous over the littlest things, just saying. So it is totally easy to get this man jealous by doing literally nothing. If I mean nothing, then I really mean nothing.

Today you feel like you want to dance and drink. Clubbing would be a great idea, but your boyfriend hates it and doesn't like it when you go out without him. Actually , you will ask your friends if they want to come with you, but they cancelled it the last times, so you don't think that they will coming with you. The only thing you can do right now is to ask your boyfriend. So you go to the bedroom, hoping your boyfriend will say yes.

"hey kookiiiiiieeee." You say.

"Hey babe, is everything ok?" He asks. Tbh he knows when you want something and he gets a bit suspicious.

"Yeah kind of. I was just wondering if we can go to the club tonight, I know you hate it, but I really want to go out tonight." You plead

"Sounds like fun. Around 10?" he says.

Wait a minute. What is going on? Normally he says no and now he says fine????? You get so suspicious because he doesn't act like that. But you play along and in this second your new dress pops up in your mind. You bought it a few months ago for a special night like this. It is a short silver dress, which shows some cleavage. The best part of it, this dress will driving him crazy. You got ready within an hour, Jungkook is already waiting for you in the living room. You walk in with your short dress, matching shoes, and some light makeup. Jungkook looks up from his phone and went speechless within seconds.

"What...... the......... hellllllll????????? Y/n, what are you wearing?" He asks.

"My new dress. What is wrong with you?"

"No! Absolutely not. We're staying at home." He says.

"Are you kidding me Jungkook? What is the problem?"

He stands up from the couch, his eyes never leaving yours. He comes closer till he is only inches away from you. Then he leans closer to your ear and whispers "This babygirl, is only for my eyes. Can't imagine how all the guys would look at you. Staring at my beautiful girlfriend and think dirty stuff about you." You gulp after he finished his sentence. In the next moment he pulls you closer but doesn't kiss you. You're mad at him for his strange behavior, but on the other hand you get so excited what will happen next. He gets a strong grip on your hips and pulls your body close to his. "I will show you what the guys would think about your body and what they would do to you." You are shocked. In the next minute he kiss you rough and pushes you against the wall.......

Park Jimin

This guy is a flirt. Normally, he is the one who gets you jealous and it is not easy to get this man jealous. So maybe you asking yourself how did I get this flirty man jealous,  there are two options to get him jealous. First one but the worst of this two is to get him insecure. Just to rave about one of the other members.

"Yeah babe.." he says and walk behind you to give you a hug.
"Have you seen Namjoon oppas arms? I think he is working out lately...." you say with a light smile
Jimin on the other hand loosening his grip from you and title his head to the side to get a better view of your face. His cheeks get a light touch of red while he is watching you.
"What do you mean, y/n." He asks shyly.
"I mean, I really like his arms, they are well formed and trained..." you say.
"Is that so." He looks at you confused and leaving you alone in the room. He is always so insecure about his body and himself, he is alway so worried that he isn't enough for you and comments like that didn't help at all.
"Why didn't you go to Namjoon hyung and ask him if he wants to be your boyfriend?" He shouts from your sharing bedroom.

Well as I said before, this isn't the perfect way to get your man jealous. He isn't amused by your behavior. You follow him to the bedroom. Wrapping your arms around his slim waist and kissing his neck.

"I was just kidding babe, I love your arms, your body, everything about you. Every detail" you'd say between your kisses.
"I know babe, but why you saying things like that. You know I get insecure." He answers while he turns around to hug your petite figure. The other way to get him jealous is when you get flirty, extremely flirty, to the other members especially when it come to Jungkook and Taehyung. To say it in easier words, you three are best friends and Jimin hates it when you get to comfy around them....

Kim Taehyung

Another one who nearly never gets jealous. Kim Taehyung is someone who trust you with all of his heart. He never said something about your guy friends or if you hang out with them often. But trust me, you got him once jealous and it doesn't end well. He barley spoke to you for a week, he was soooooo hurt. Anyway, you got bored and want to test his limits, again, you just want to have a little bit fun.
A few days you went shopping with your best friend Yugeom and you found a really pretty red dress. Unfortunately its short and your boyfriend doesn't like it at all when you dress to sexy around your guy friends. But Yugeom is someone who has a really good style, right behind Taehyung, so you went shopping with him. This is something Taehyung never understand, because why do you want to go shopping with someone else?

"Baby, I'm home." You say as you enter your front door.
"Hey darling, you went shopping? Without me?" He say with a pout.
In this moment a idea pop up in your head. Maybe you can have a little bit fun, you know, messing around with him...

"Yeah, Yugeom came with me. We went to Gucci, I bought a new dress. Wanna see it?" You smirk.
"Sure." He answers

When you go to the bedroom to change into your new dress, you feel a pair of eyes staring at you from behind. You pull your dress up and put your hair to the side.

"Do you mind to pull the zipper up?" You ask

You feel the floor vibrating with every of his step till one of his hands get a hole on your waist while the other hand pulls up the zipper. He leans forward to your ear and whispers: "I hope Yugeom didn't pull the zipper up, because this dress is only for my eyes."

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