BTS Scenario| hooking up

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Scenario: The other members finding out that you both have been secretly hooking up

Min Yoongi

All it took was one message from Yoongi and you were heading over to this studio. I’m at my studio. I want you here, now! You could tell from his demanding text that you were in for a treat today. The second you walked through the door he had you pinned up against the wall as he sucked harshly on your neck, leaving bruises all over your chest. You couldn’t help but the loud moan that escape your lips as he moved down to nip at your collar bones. It was at that exact moment that Seokjin walked into the studio “Hey Yoongi, I had a questio-oooooh my god. MY HANDSOME EYES!" You immediately tried to push Yoongi off of you. It's so embarrassing for the two of you. “Hyung could you please leave us alone. Whatever your question is it can wait. Oh and I don’t think I need to tell you to keep your mouth quiet about this right?” “Don’t worry I won’t say anything. Might want to lock the door after I leave though.” The next second you hear Jin screaming all over the dorm. "GUYS YOU WON'T BELIEVE ME WHAT I SEE..." Yoongi walked over to the door, and you heard the lock click closed. He turned around and shakes his head in disbelieve.

 He turned around and shakes his head in disbelieve

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Kim Seokjin

Jin was trying to quietly sneak you out of his room without the other members waking up. He is hungry so you decide to cook something for breakfast. When he was leading you down the hallway he stubbed his toe on the wall and let out a high pitched shout. “Shhhhh” You his under your breath as you heard the door of Jungkook’s room open. “ Jin hyung? Are you okay? Wait a minute what is y/n doing here?” All it took was for Jungkook to take in yours and Jin’s disheveled appearance to understand what was going on. “Oh my god, for real? hyung really?! Why didn't you tell something?” “Jungkook keep your voice down. This stays between us  you better not tell anyone. Do you understand?” “Yeah sure. Whatever. I’d rather forget about what I just saw anyway.” You giggled behind Jin as Jungkook closed his door and went back to sleep. “Maybe we can convince him it was all just a dream?” Jin turned around and pressed you up against the wall, his arms  caging you in as he brought his lips to your ear to whisper “Or we could make a big breakfast for us and then tell the boys you are mine now. I think we should tell them the news. Should we?" He says with a smirk.

 Should we?" He says with a smirk

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