Wrapped around your finger // 6:38am

17 1 7

beep. . . beep . . . beep . . .

the continuous, obnoxious noise filled the room. the constant reminder that im alive. the loud siren throbs my brain.

i dont even remember.

an iv was in my left arm and a bag was hung. my body ached and felt like it would collapse on top of me.

breathing was a chore; it was voluntary.

every breath felt heavier and heavier.

the bright lights glared down on me. i heard colors and saw sounds.

the blankets were quiet and serene but the walls were loud and full and i was certain i was losing my mind.

i was stuck in this white box with no escape.

i bit my tongue hard to stop from my breath quickening.

i couldnt stop thinking about the thin, metal needle digging into my arm draining the life out of me rather than giving me strength.

i squeezed my eyes shut in hope to wake up somewhere else.

the air was cold and suffocating.

i was going insane

i couldnt take it anymore.

i looked down at my arm where the needle was tapped. i grazed my fingers across it. i firmly and tightly gripped it, yanking it out swiftly only for blood to gush out and for the monitor to get louder.

the headache rung in my ears.

i staggered to my feet and practically tumbled to the door until a team of nurses and doctors burst in.

i gasped in shock and ran back wards.

i couldnt catch my breath.

they were coming closer and closer and i couldnt go anywhere.

i scrunched myself in the corner, wailing like a baby.


im pretty i scared the doctors.

before i knew it a large, buff man yanked me it of my protective area. i was exposed and vulnerable.

i kicked and punched whoever touched me.

out of the blur of the tears in my eyes i saw a man with a needle, middle-aged with glasses, coming towards me.

it was like all my worst nightmares came to life.

"n-NO he-HELP," i stuttered as i hyperventilated.

the metal stabbed my skin and my blood boiled. i felt droopy.

im paralyzed

i tried to scream but it was pushed back on me and i slowed slumped into the arms of the security guards.

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