Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Dec 11

Dinner at the Ekeh's was awkward to say the least. Everything about it seemed uncomfortable. From Mr Ekeh's faux laughter and interest in our lives, to his wife's annnoying squeaky voice. Everything felt out of place.

Nosa, clearly still pissed about the whole thing, chose not to engage in conversation with anyone and I couldn't blame his decision. I personally want to set their arrogant faces on fire and the mere thought kept me smiling.

Mr Ekeh's gaze caught my sinister smile and finally spoke in a relaxed tone "I have a handsome young nephew who would look great with you, Abigail. Maybe I should set you two up or something"

Mom spoke quietly "She already has someone". Though in reality, I had no one. I was secretly thankful of mom trying to protect me

Mr. Ekeh looked unimpressed by the information "But does he work as an executive in an oil company, because my nephew does"

Sarayah's sarcastic laugh earned a glare from Mr Ekeh "Why are we here if he's still going to act like a superficialist? Acting all superior to us, like we owe him something"

Mrs Ekeh could only give her high pitched gasp while Mr Ekeh pulled off his reading glasses "I beg your pardon?"

Nosa unconsciously grinned at his outspoken wife and said "Thanks for the scrumptious meal but we have to go"

.Mom spoke up "Not yet"

.Mr Ekeh smirked, cutting in "Listen to your mother"

Mom shot him an annoyed look "I'm not done yet. As I was saying, we're not leaving until you apologize to us"

Mrs Ekeh stuttered "A-a-a-apologize to you? You're lucky to be here"

Mr Ekeh cocked his head, ignoring his wife's stutters "You're much more confident than I thought you were, Linda Duke and I admire that. Standing up to a powerful man like me takes guts"

Sarayah mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear "Just apologize already. Unless you think that thing you said was an apology"

I swatted her arm, giving her a hard stern but Sarayah shrugged, ignoring me.

Mr Ekeh laughed at Sarayah's words "I like her. She speaks her mind"

I scoffed "Some of us are tired of it"

Nosa impatiently spoke "Can we leave now?"

Mr Ekeh cleared his throat. He could visibly see the annoyance on Nosa's face "You're right. I'm sorry. I was blunt and rude and I apologize on behalf of all my friends who made you feel uncomfortable"

Nosa nodded in admiration "It takes strength to do that"

Mr Ekeh gently slapped Nosa's back "Now that we're all at peace, let's talk sports. I've been dying to hear the details of your suspension"

Nosa didn't look pissed off or angry by the man's admission of the truth as he followed Mr Ekeh to his patio and I knew all was well afterall.


Dec 12

This was one of my most anticipated event. The charity auction date show.  The name alone tells you what it's about. People would auction for a date from a particular contestant and the highest bidder wins the date. Crazy right?  Except that all the money made from the bidding would be given to charity.

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