Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
Dec 19

Since Sarayah and Nosa had gone out for their anniversary date that evening. I was left home with mom, who was back from work and was babysitting Colin. I couldn't stay in my room all day so I decided to grace mom with my presence.

Colin started giggling when he saw me "Aunty Abbie"

The kid was cute, I had to admit so it wasn't hard to want to hug him. "Cute stuff. How are you?"

Colin bashfully said "I am fine" and gave a toothy grin that I could help but to return.

Mom's voice perked up "The kid's too cute for his own good. I blame his good genes"

I straightened up and looked mom in the eye "it's your great genes that's flowing all over him. You look like a freaking goddess. It's envious. I hope i look this great when I'm your age"

Mom looked slightly relieved and surprised by my reply.Was she expecting me to say something nasty? I couldn't bring myself to doing that, not after everything we had been through. Knowing the truth did change something. It was hard to admit but I needed to. After all these years, the truth was out.  My mom wasn't completely at fault. I needed to move on. I needed to finally let it go, no matter how hard it was "Nah. I clearly look my age. I have wrinkles on my forehead. Yes, I exfoliate but it makes no difference to my blotchy skin"

"Are you kidding me? I'm almost thirty and a woman in her fifties outshines me with her youthful glow"

"You sound like you're teasing me. Are you?  I can't tell.  I've been told that I have a bad sense of humor"

"I'm serious, mom. As gorgeous as you are, why are you still single? You haven't remarried and I don't think I've ever heard of you dating someone in the press"

"I'm 53 years old. What do I need a man for? I'm fine by myself. I have two beautiful daughters and a sweet grandson. What more could I need?"

"You always look so unhappy"

"And you think a man is the key to one's happiness? You're the key to your own happiness. You can choose to search for it with a man by your side, but only you can find genuine happiness on your own. I learnt that over the years"

"Are you talking about dad?"

"Not really. But it works in this situation. I let myself get sucked in your father's world and I didn't have time for me. I needed to break free. In life, you have to make some selfish decisions to take care of you. Just don't make a selfish decision that hurts someone. I learnt that the hard way"

"That's one way to put it"

"I guess so. I do date casually. I was unhappy for years, not because I have no significant other , but because I thought I lost my daughter. I thought I'd never have you back, my sweet angel"

Things were different now. She needed her daughter and I needed my mom back. I had that now "I'm still going to be here for you, ma"

Tears sprung out of mom's eyes "It's good to hear you say that. I never thought I'd ever hear you say that"

I found myself hugging my mom that instant. I forgave her. I really did. I forgave myself even more, for letting myself get buried in my hurt. My mom was back in my arms. Her usual soft scent of Pansies that I loved smelling when I was so young, filled my nose when we hugged. It felt good to have my mother back.

Dec 20

Early the next morning, Mom had woken me up to do the exterior decoration. She really wanted to win so badly and I found it completely amusing. I had no qualms spending time with my mother. Nosa and Sarayah, on the other hand, were not pleased to be disturbed.

There was something so fulfilling seeing Sarayah's early morning unkempt hair and exhausted look. Seeing her in  her frazzled state made me grin widely "You two should stop pouting. It doesn't look good on your gorgeous faces"

Sarayah grunted "It's no even seven am yet and we're doing this"

Nosa nodded "Can we go back in? You'll surely win Ms. D. Just let us go back to sleep"

Mom folded her arms "I should smack both your mouths for that. Why should I let you go?"

Sarayah pointed out "Yesterday was our anniversary. We're tired. We had a late night. It'll be perfect for you to bond with Abbie alone. Nosa and I did help with the inside"

"You make a good point, but not enough to let you go"

Both Nosa and Sarayah's groans made me smile even more "Mom, spare them the trouble. They look like they need their sleep. Sarayah never comes out if she doesn't do her hair. Right now, her hair looks like a bird's nest"

Sarayah made a loud shrill "Oh my God, my hair. I totally forgot. This is all your fault, mom"

Chuckling, mom waved her head "Just go. Any more excuses and I'd be laughing my eyes out"

Nosa had a relieved sigh "Thanks, ma"

Sarayah gave an appreciative nod as Nosa led her in.

When they enter inside,  I say "Those two are made for eachother"

"I almost didn't like him six years ago. I stereotyped him to being the playboy footballer jock kinda guy. But he made me see how down to earth he really is"

"I like him too. He treats Sarah well and make her happy. She deserves that"

Mom looked surprised "You're calling her Sarah?"

"That's her real name, isn't it?"

"She hasn't been called that in a long time. Even Nosa calls her Sarayah. I don't think anyone calls her Sarah"

"Is her being Sarah such a bad thing to you?"

"It's not that. Sarayah is the brand your sister became. Her, being Sarah, is reverting back on who she used to be as Sarah. Sarah, the bullied girl. Sarah, the not so bright student, Sarah, as people used to call her, the thin stick"

"Even as Sarayah, she was Sarayah, the drug addict, Sarayah, the model with anorexia, Sarayah, the self harmer. Everything that happened throughout her life makes up the person she is now. Every single part makes up the new and improved Sarayah. She has accepted it. You should too"

"You're right. I've just spent years hiding what she used to be as Sarah. I forgot she was so much more as Sarayah. The name Sarah does have a nice ring to it"

"It does"

"I'm glad you and Sarayah are getting along"

"I'm glad you and I are getting along"

Mom's relieved sigh warmed my heart "It's a relief, isn't it? I thought it'd take longer"

"I was the one that pushed you away"

"I was the coward that was too afraid to speak up. I should have spoken up years ago"

"It's never too late. We have long years to make up for it"

Mom's smile radiated brightly and it was hard not to smile along with her as we set up the Christmas lights in content.


There is so much hope for Abbie and her mom's relationship. What's your take on Abbie's mom's  (Linda Duke) reason for leaving Abbie behind,  as mentioned in the previous chapter? Is the reason good enough or just brazen?  I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.

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