Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
Dec 27th

"How are you feeling now?" I looked up at my mom when she asked the question.


"You said you were feeling sick, that's why you missed yesterday's boxing day dinner party. Don't you remember?"

I nodded quickly. I only told them that because I didn't want to see Ayo. I was afraid that if I saw his face one more time,  I would forgive him. But deep down I didn't want to. I didn't want anything to wash away from my thoughts. I needed time to rethink things with him. I needed to be sure that I could look past everything and I could only do that with time.

Sarayah spoke "You owe me big time for taking the pictures in your place"

Cracking up a smile, I was grateful to Sarayah for volunteering to take the pictures of the event while I buried myself in solace. "I owe you a trip to the spa. You and mom both. How does tomorrow evening sound?"

"I like that. I'm thrilled you're learning to appreciate my self-serving generosity. It takes so much guts to lower one's self and lend a helpi—"

The doorbell rang. disrupting her talk. I gave a relieved sigh that her conversation was put to a halt.  Sarayah only glared at me and stood up "I'll go get it"

Needing to be sure, I said "If it's Ayo, tell him I'm not around"

Mom, Nosa and Sarayah sent me questionable looks. I ignored their stares and pleaded with Sarayah "Please"

Sighing slowly, she gave me a small slow nod and went over to open the door. She pulled the door open slightly and pushed only her head out.

"Hi Ayo" I could hear her whole conversation from where I was and Ayo's baritone voice made me squirm. God, he always made me want him. I needed to be strong. I was so much better than that.

"Hey, Sarayah. Can I come in? I want to see Abbie"

"Oh no, Abs isn't in. She went out. Wouldn't be back for a long time"

"Her car's still parked here. How could she leave without her car?"

Sarayah quickly responded, trying to hide the embarrassment in her voice "Abs doesn't want to see you. Simple and short. I don't know the reason she could want that, but you do. So you should respect it and get the hell out of here"

There was silence for few seconds, before Ayo replied "Okay. Just give her this. It's her Christmas present. I wasn't able to give her yesterday because of the argument. Tell her I'm sorry too"

I didn't hear Sarayah give an answer to that,  but she did lock the door soon after and went forward to meet me "Ayo said I should give you this"

Staring at the parcel Sarayah handed to me,  I tore open its wrappings and opened it, to see what was inside. I found myself staring at the loveliest pair of ruby earrings that I've ever seen in my life.

Nosa chose to ask, when he noticed the conflicted expression on my face "Is everything okay with you and him?"

I gave in to the frustration I felt and eventually admitted out loud "No. Not really. Not in the slightest" and finally told them everything that happened.


Dec 27

"This one that you're calling me all of a sudden. Hope all is well?" I smiled broadly, clutching the phone tightly against my right ear,  when Aunt Carole's playful voice came up.

"I just wanted to hear my favourite aunt's voice"

"So it takes almost a month for you to do that?"

"We occasionally chat on whatsapp, Auntie. Besides, I sent you a text on christmas and you replied back"

"I know you well enough to know when you're ignoring me. It's the 'why' part that I'm yet to understand"

"It's not like I'm purposely pushing you away. Everything got so complicated. Before I found out the truth about mom, I only stayed away so you won't force me to make up with mom and after the truth came out, I was too ashamed to talk to you. I was ashamed that you were right and I hated that I ignored your attempts to bring mom and I together"

"So why did you call all of a sudden then?"

"I guess I'm in a bit of a personal dilemma"

"Is it about your mom?"



"Not in the slightest"

"Then who?"

"Do you like being lied to?"

"Oooh. A guy"

I could hear the suggestive tone in her voice and blushed slightly, clearing my throat "please stay on track, Aunt Carole"

She chuckled, then said "You have always been a complex kid. I knew. Your dad knew. Even your mom knew. You lived your life to perfection so you wouldn't feel like you're lacking. But you did lack something. Your mother's attention and it shaped you into who you are today. You can't change the fact that you hate being lied to. It's who you are"

"I just want to go home and concentrate on my work. It's my safe sanctuary"

"Even sanctuaries have doors so you can go out. I raised you as mine so I know when something means alot to you. Whoever he is, made you vulnerable. You just need to leave the walls of your sanctuary and walk out"

"Are you saying that I should forgive him?"

"I'm saying that it's time for you to become better"


Aunt Carole is back. Alongside her heavy sincere words.

On another note,  28 days in Christmas town is almost over. Only  five chapters left.
Fingers crossed.

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