Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 - Dec 31
Abbie's POV

Onyeka joked "I love this look of yours. This whole oversized glasses and ugly sweater, while enjoying your crackers, gives you this laidback look" I smiled softly. I was most comfortable like this. Somehow I had found myself liking the sweater I got for Christmas and paired it up with my usual glasses.

Crunching on my guilty pleasure, I admit "I'm just at a place of peace right now. I'm just going to enjoy it while I can"

Dad gave me a small hug "That's good. It's a relief to see you happy"

My nose crinkled "why does everyone keep saying that?"

Onyeka added "Because it's true. Excuse me for a bit, I need to go do some laundry"

Once Onyeka had gone upstairs and was out of earshot, Dad asked "So how was your Christmas vacation at your mom's place?"

I blinked rapidly in surprise. He knew? "How did you fi—"

"Aunt Carole. She never hides anything from your mom and I. I still don't get why you would hide that from me. It's not that I'm against you getting along with your mom. In fact, I'm thrilled that both of you are talking again"

Sighing, I answer "I never wanted to hide it from you. I know how you get whenever I mention mom or if someone does. You flinch or act uncomfortable. I see it each time and I hate to put you in a situation over your unresolved feelings for mom"

Dad cocked his head "Unresolved feelings? For Linda. You must have mistaken things. The only woman I love now is Onyeka Duke. Your mom and I's marriage wasn't meant to last. The only reason I get uncomfortable at the mention of your mom is because of the guilt I feel about the past"


Dad's face clouded "It's not something I like to admit, but I wish I did try to protect my family. I hate that I wasn't there for Sarayah. I know about all she had to go through and I feel awful that I wasn't there to help her. I also hate that I stood against Sarayah's career choice. It wedged a deeper problem between your mom, Sarayah and I, and I wish I didn't make things harder for them"

"I really had no idea. You must have carried so much guilt around for years"

"That's not all. I also feel guilt that I wasn't always there for you. I let myself get caught up with work in the beginning and after that, I spent years traveling the world with Onyeka. I love and cherish every moment I spent with Onyeka, I only wish you were there with me too"

"I'm done blaming anyone for my life choices. It happened already. You and mom did your best. It's okay to let go. Everything worked out well in the end"

"I hope so. It's good to have you back, Abigail"

I smiled softly and said "You too pops. Let me go cook something for us for dinner. I can't let my step momma do all the work"

Onyeka's voice drew closer as she came downstairs "Thanks alot, Abbie. Maybe we can do it together. Let me just finish with the laundry first"

"Great, then"

Onyeka searched through a basket and called out "Tommy, do you know where the pegs are?"

Dad answered "Yeah, I think they're at the d—" the door bell rang, cutting in dad's words.

Onyeka sighed "I'll check it out"

I stood up "No no. Don't worry yourself. You have alot of clothes to wash. I'll check the door"

Sighing in content,,Onyeka went back to what she was doing "where did you say it was?"

Dad's voice trailed off as I walked deeper to the doorway and opened the door. Tall height loomed over me and chocolate coloured eyes held mine. Scent of pine and cider had me wishing I could bury my nose into his shirt "Hi, Abbie"


We both stood in the patio in silence. His eyes watched me carefully as if he was trying to decipher my mood "You always looked great in that glasses. So beautiful. Just like the first time I met you"

I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and looked him straight in the eye "Thank you. How are you doing? How is Christmas town? Rose? Seyi? Alex? How are they?

"They're all great. In fact, Rose is pregnant. Told me yesterday. She's already glowing"


My eyes widened "Wow. Oh my God. That's amazing. I'm so happy for her"

"Yeah. They all miss you. Just like I do"

I gnawed on my lower lip gently "Ayo, I—"

"I know. You need space, but I'm afraid that the longer I wait, the more I'd lose you. I don't want that, because I love you. God knows I do. I know I messed up. But I only did it out of fear. It wasn't because I didn't trust you, it was because I didn't trust myself not to get hurt again. You're all I want right now. Isn't that worth holding on to?"

"I know that. But it's hard to pretend like it didn't happen. It only works in rom-coms. Not in real life. Reality's the hardest part and it's not easy having something like this hanging over our heads"


"Then let's not pretend like it never happened. Because it did. We have alot to work on in our relationship. We both have trust issues. It doesn't go away in a day or because I'm professing my love for you. It's something you work on. It's something that takes time, but it's something I want to do with you by my side. You said so yourself that day at the movies. People should fight for their love. Giving up is too easy. That's why I'm fighting for us"

Blinking back tears, I finally admitted the fears running around my head "I'm a mess. I love working. I have trust issues. I can't drink alcohol like regular people do. I can be judgey at times. I love cheese crackers and movies make me cry. Are you sure you want to handle all that?"

Ayo stepped forward. Each step he took made my toes curl, until we were only a metre apart and he cupped my face with his two hands "I can't imagine anything else. You're my mess and I'm your mess. We still have alot to work on, but I'll constantly love you, Abigail Chioma Duke"

I looked into his sincere eyes and felt my fears disappearing slowly "I love you too, Ayokunle Emmanuel Coker. Alias Pretty boy"

Ayo chuckled "that nickname? Still?" Not waiting for him to say anything else, I cover my lips with his. Even for the briefest moments, our kisses had a way of exciting my heart.

I mumble against his lips "Let's go in. I'd like to introduce you to my dad and step mom"

He peered at me "Are you sure? Isn't it too fast for you?"

I shrugged "Fast. Slow. I don't care anymore. I'll take my relationship how ever it is. Whatever the outcome, I'll take it the way it is."

He kissed the top of my forehead and wrapped his arms across my waist as we began to leave the patio "that's wonderful then. I am excited to meet the rest of your family. I'm just happy to have you back"

Smiling back at him, I led him in himself and for the first time in a long while, I felt complete. I got to have everything I secretly desired, the moment I stepped back in Christmas Town.


Okay okay okay.
This is the last chapter of the book and I really want to cry right now. I'm gonna miss writing about my favorite couple.
Also based on popular demand, I'm going to do an epilogue.
I'll end the book with that and give a little intro on my next book.

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