Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Dec 14

Convincing Sarayah to go shopping with me wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. In fact, it was pretty easy. She even offered to drive me there but I wasn't going to let her hands touch my car in any way. My car was like my little baby and Sarayah's hands couldn't be trusted. So I drove us to the mall and within ten minutes, we were there.

Sarayah seemed to be enjoying shopping more than I did. I wanted to go to a regular nearby store around but Sarayah forbade that from happening and I had to accept her words, without a choice.

After searching endlessly for too long in different stores, we finally entered a particular store and I saw the perfect graceful outfit which Sarayah seemed to like too. After wearing it and seeing how well it fit me, I knew I found the perfect dress. But then I backed away from the dress when I saw its ridiculous expensive price

"I'm not buying this"

The shop attendant gave me an exasperated look "This dress looks lovely on you. And it seems it's your exact size"

"I didn't say it didn't look lovely on me. I said I'm not buying it"

Sarayah's voice shot up "Well, I'm buying it for you"

The shop attendant looked relieved and said to her "You made a good choice, ma'am"

I whispered to Sarayah "Are you crazy? It's so expensive. And I don't need you to buy an outfit for me. You've done enough. You already gave away a hundred thousand naira"

Sarayah's eyes twinkled "Think of me as your fairy godmother, like in Cinderella. I'm also buying your shoes too"

My sigh sounded really frustrated "you're not a fairy godmother and I can buy another CHEAPER dress"

"Then I'm your fairy godsister"

"There's no such thing as that"

"There is, now"

I rolled my eyes "I appreciate your efforts. It's sweet of you but I'm good"

.Sarayah cocked her head and looked at me carefully. Her stunning face held an expression I couldn't decipher "This is the only way I can wash off my guilt of not being there for you. This is my gift to you. I know you hate depending on people but I'd love it if you accept this. I haven't been there as a sister or anything to you, for over a decade and I want to make it up to you. So please accept my gift"

"Things are better between us. You don't have to feel bad anymore. It's okay, but since, you're so adamant about it, I accept. Only this once"

Sarayah nodded, smiling "Only this once"

The store attendant wrapped up the dress as Sarayah paid for it. Walking out, I asked "Where next?"

"It's time to get you new shoes"


"what are you looking around for? We're done with shopping"

Sarayah's voice softened "I want to get a gift for Nosa"

"You must really have alot of money on your hands."

"Our anniversary is in a week"

My mouth made a small "oh" as I instantly remembered that they had a lovely rooftop december wedding in Greece five years ago.

Sarayah admitted "Sometimes I wonder if I deserve someone like Nosa. My life had been a mess until I met him. People thought we were crazy when we got engaged five months after we dated, but somehow I knew he was the one. Y'know"

"For starters, you two balance out each other. You're crazy, he's level headed. He's the ying to your yang. Have you ever thought of how lucky he feels to have you? What if HE feels like he's the lucky one here?"

"I highly doubt it, I drive him nuts. I never knew how much of a handful I was, until you pointed it out"

"Sis, if he wanted to leave you, he would have done it a long time ago. You're both celebrities. Neither of you have time for fake love, like we regular people do"

Sarayah smiled softly "You're right. I can't believe I'm getting all insecure all of a sudden. I've just been rethinking things"

I clutched her hand, gently for reassurance "I don't know why you're worried, but I do know that your marriage with Nosa will be fine. He's going through a tough time at work, so just stand by him and don't make him feel worse because I know he's already beating himself up about it"

She gave me an innocent smile as she pulled me into a hug "I want to stay in Nigeria and be closer to you. To get back what I missed out with you, growing up "

Shaking my head in amusement, I said "Your husband's football club is in the U. K. Your modeling agency is based there too so stop saying crazy talk. Whenever you are ready for any holiday visit, I'll be here in Nigeria waiting for my big sister"

"Thank you, Abbie. I do have one question."

"What's that?"

"Why can't you forgive mom? You forgave me, didn't you? Why is mom the exception?"

"Can we not talk about this?"

.Sarayah spoke adamantly "No, this is exactly what we should talk about. Mom's not the bad guy here"

My sarcastic laughter made Sarayah give me an upset look "Not the bad guy here? I don't know what you remember from our childhood but It's certainly not what I experienced. Mom left me, for you"

"For good reasons"

"what good reason is it for a mother to abandon her daughter? Can you ever abandon Colin?"

"No, I wouldn't dare"

"There's your answer"

Sarayah kept quiet for a while, then quipped "Have you ever asked her why?"

"I don't want to listen to her excuse. Nothing justifies her excuse"

"Give her a chance, Abbie"

"I did. Years ago and yet, she disappointed me again. Especially dad. She left dad at a crucial point where we both needed her. Dad almost died. He was on life support. Neither of you came. Mom knew about it. I called her personally"

Sarayah's face looked pale "Dad almost died? Why didn't I know of this?"

"You mean mom didn't tell you?"

"I would have come. I could never abandon you and dad"

"But you did. You both did. Over and over again"

Sarayah pursed her lips "I'm so sorry, Abbie. I had no idea. I wish I could change things"

"It happened. I forgive you. I don't want to relive the bitter memories, especially the ones mom caused"

"I still think you should ask her"

The words hung in the air as I said nothing in reply. I drove us home in silence after Sarayah bought Nosa a gift and I mentally prepared for my date.

Hey lovelies,
This is the bonus chapter  as a celebration of my book reaching over a thousand reads and it's so exciting for me.
Next chapter is the "date chapter", who's excited about it?  I know I am.
Keep adding your date ideas and I'll pick the one I like best for the next chapter .
The winner will also get a special chapter dedication.

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