Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Dec 24

The woman who I assumed was Ayo's mom, spoke "what took you so long to open the door?"

Ayo scratched the back of his head "I was a little busy. I didn't hear the doorbell ring at first"

I moved a little closer so they could see that I existed and greeted them. I was able to get a good look on how they looked like. His parents were dressed in matching magenta coloured ankara outfits. I could detect the similar resemblance in Seyi and her mom, except that Seyi's dark skin was a few shades darker. Plump and beautiful were words best used to describe Ayo's mom. Her eyes were kind when she spoke and often had a gentle smile on her face. His dad, on the otherhand, had an ivory skin tone and a deadpanned look. From his tall form and attractive face, despite how much he had aged, clearly showed that he turned heads in his time.

Ayo's father kept a tight look, saying nothing as his mother chimed in "Oh, and who might you be?"

Ayo introduced me before I could "She's Abigail Duke, my girlfriend"

Ayo's father didn't look impressed "Didn't you just break up with your ex fiance of two years?"

Ayo shot his father a look and I tried to hide my discomfort. Maybe I shouldn't be here right now "That was six months ago. I've moved on"

Ayo's mother nodded and looked at me "That's good. She's really pretty. What tribe are you from, Abigail?"

"I'm Efik"

Ayo's Father's eyes widened quickly "So you're not yoruba?"

I didn't like where this was going to. My tribe didn't have to be a cause of alarm "I'm not but my mom is ibo"

Ayo's father shook his head "Oh dear God"

His mother narrowed her eyes at her husband and turned back to me, with a sweet smile "What do you do for a living, dear?"

"I'm a photojournalist in a magazine company"

Ayo's father cocked his head to the side "That actually doesn't sound bad at all"

Noticing my discomfort, Ayo puts a hand around my waist and draws me closer to him "As fun as this interrogation is, I'm more concerned why you're here"

Ayo's father chose to reply "we're here for your Christmas carol tomorrow"

His mother added "Yes, the one you invited us to come"

"Wait?  What? I invited you over a month ago and I thought you told me you weren't going to come since you chose your business partner's annual Christmas party over mine"

Ayo's father rolled his eyes "It got cancelled when he got into a skiing accident with his son"

Ayo's mother's gaze softened "Or don't you want us to be around?"

"I do. I do. I'm just surprised to have you around, that's all"

Ayo's father just said "Well our bags are outside and you need to pack it in."

Ayo's eyes widened "Bags?  You're staying over?  Till when?"

Ayo's mother answered "Till Boxing Day"

His father added, his mouth twisting "What's with that look? Don't you want us to stay at your place?"

"Not that I'm complaining, but Seyi's house has lots of guest rooms. I only have one. But I'm okay with your visit"

"You'd have had more guest rooms if you moved in a bigger house"

Rolling his eyes at his dad, he says "I'm not going to have this argument with you"

Feeling like I was intruding a family conversation,  I say "I should get going. It's getting late and I have to go"

His mother looked at me carefully "You two don't live together?"

"I don't live around here. I'm here on a trip. I actually stay in Ilupeju"

His father held his steely gaze on mine "After the carol tomorrow, I'd like to have you over for dinner. We're having a family dinner at Seyi's place and I'd like you to come"

I purse my lips. I did want to come, but this was my first Christmas with my mom, after a long decade and I didn't want to miss out. I really wanted to object but the cold look on his father's face made me want to think twice "I'd be there, sir"

Ayo said to his parents "Let me walk her out, excuse me", I said my goodbyes as I let Ayo lead me to where I parked my car.

"I'll see you later"

Ayo rubbed his neck slowly "I bet meeting the parents seems too quick for our planned timeline and I want to know if you're okay with it"

I chuckle. His sweet side was heartwarming. It was hard not to love him "it seems a little fast but it's not like you planned it. I'm okay with it. It's an honor to meet Mr and Mrs. Coker"

"It's actually Judge and Mrs Coker. He's a judge. It explains a bit why he's the way he is and he's really sensitive about the title"

"Noted" He grins at my reply and envelopes me into a warm hug "Text me when you get home"

"I will. Be nice to your parents"

He jokes "No promises". It was hard not to smile at his response as I drove home that evening


I informed Mom the moment I got home "I don't think I can make it for Christmas dinner tomorrow night. Ayo's parents invited me for Christmas dinner and I found it hard to refuse"

Mom pouted slightly "I guess I'm okay with that. We still have many more years and we can still celebrate it on the 26th"

I let out a sigh of relief "Thanks for understanding, mom"

"No problem, baby. Things must really be going well for you and Ayo. You're already doing the "meeting the parents over dinner" thing. You guys must really have everything worked out"

"Its really great. I'm just a little nervous"

"You'd have to be a stone cold psycho not to  be  nervous. Just be you. Parents love girls like you. I may not have been in your life to raise you, but you grew up super well"

"I really needed to hear that, I feel alot better now"

"That's good to hear. I have to go to bed now.  Sarayah and Nosa have already gone to bed pretty early. Those lazy duo. I'm only wide awake because of our little chats, but now it's almost eleven. Even grandmothers need their beauty sleep"

I didn't mind.  I needed my sleep too, mentally preparing ahead of tomorrow's event.


P. S   As mentioned in this chapter,  Ibo, Efik and Yoruba are tribes in Nigeria; to all those who don't know.

Also ankara is a traditional Nigerian material that can sown into any desired style to wear.

On a more important note, I'm  just so excited that my book has hit over three thousand reads. Yay.
I'd love to give a special gratitude to my readers. I love you all


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