Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
Dec 24

Mipo asked "What do you mean by ”you two might have gotten into a fight yesterday? Explain"

"I already did. He acted all weird because I rejected moving to Goldyn Land for him. It just seemed all too fast and I'm scared that I pushed him away. I don't want another Juwon moment again"

"Juwon was your grade one asshole ex who made you choose between your job and him. This is utterly different. Ayo just wants to be closer to you. Maybe he didn't take it well at first, but it doesn't mean everything would go south. Have you guys spoken since yesterday?"

"Briefly on the phone yesterday because he needed to sleep early for this morning's carol practice"

"He's busy. You just have to be a patient girlfriend and let him adjust to your rejection"

"That's another thing, he never really asked me out. He and I just acknowledge that we're together and accept whenever people call us a couple. We are a thing but it isn't official so it's so much easier for him to push me aside"

"where do you think you're in?  High school? There's no time for a label. Read my cherry coloured lips, he's not going to cast you aside. I get why you're worried. I would to, after everything you've been through. You just have to trust him, no matter how hard it seems"

"I'm gonna trust your words and see him in the evening today"

"You go, girl"

I chuckle "Enough about me. What's bustling in your life?"

"I sent in my resignation at work yesterday. Mayowa was pissed"

"Wait, you didn't tell him before?"

"It was supposed to be a surprise"

"I bet he was surprised"

"Sarcasm doesn't help out now"

"Sorry, but you should have told him. That was a crappy surprise. You two are about to get married. Marriage is about teamwork. He didn't need to be left out"

"I didn't want it to turn out like that"

I sympathized with her situation "Has the issue been resolved?"

"Kind of. But I guess it would cool off when I get another job. I have an interview on January 7. I'm hoping to get in"

"You will get in, i believe it. Just make things okay with your man"

"You too. We both have something to make up for, whether we like it or not"


December wasn't a rainy month so I was surprised when it was raining again, on my way to Ayo's house. Since I've been here, it had rained alot and I was thankful the rain didn't ruin the Christmas festival. It didn't take long for him to open the door, after I rang the doorbell.

Dressed in casual green t-shirt and denim jeans, I caught his gaze, looking at me with concern "Hey. I didn't know you were coming"

"Can we talk?"

Ayo nodded, letting me in, then said "The rain really got to you, didn't it?"

I looked down at my body, realizing what he meant. Droplets of rain soaked my blouse, making it transparent and wet. I could see through my blouse and my leopard printed bra became visible "Oh God"

Ayo only shrugged and turned his gaze away from my cleavage, back to my face "I'll go get you a towel. Give me a second"

It took him a short while to return with a pale blue towel which I used to dry my hair and clothes with. Returning the towel back to him, I say "Thank you"

He dropped the towel on the couch and replied "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

I rubbed the back on my hand nervously "I just wanted to make sure we were cool"

His eyebrows crinkled "What do you mean?"

"About yesterday's talk"

"That. Ofcourse we're okay. I'm not thrilled that you aren't moving here, but at least, I have you. That's what important. You're my girl. I wouldn't want to lose that"

I smiled slowly "Wow. Truth be told, you never really asked me out. I mean it's no big deal but I needed to point that out"

His brown eyes softened, making me want to hold him in my arms "I had no idea you're bothered by that"

"I'm not. Seriously"

Casting me a doubtful look, he chuckled gently and pulled me closer. His hands wrapping round my waist and lowers his forehead against mine gently "Do you want to be my girlfriend, Abigail Duke?"

I chuckle back, finding it hard to hold back my smile "I'd love to. Even though technically, we were already dating before"

He only smirked at me and covers his lips over mine for a split second. He pauses to look at me "You have no idea how much you drive me crazy"

My eyes search his and hold his warm gaze steadily "You have no idea too" and leaned in closer, ever so slowly. As our lips touched, I couldn't deny the explosive feeling I felt on the inside.

Wrapping my hands round his neck, my cheeks grazed against his soft facial hair stubble, as I struggled to keep my legs from shaking. Our soft kisses escalate quickly into hungry hot kisses and his fingers run through my hair passionately.

All so quickly, I find myself toppled on the couch with me sitting on top of Ayo. I pause to smile at him, enjoying the feeling on his body pressed against mine.

I had longed for this moment for so long that the mere actions of his intense kisses had me moaning softly. He takes off my blouse in a slow gradual pace, as if he were teasing me with his touch and I liked it.

I grin at him when my blouse slide off and he gawks at me. Hhe mumbles against me "You're so fucking beautiful, Abigail"

I kiss him softly, in appreciation of his compliment and enjoy his caresses with his fingers running down my back. He begins to unclip the bra and then.........his doorbell rings.

He pauses and looks at me "We should ignore it" I nod and continue kissing him,  when the doorbell rings again.

Ayo groans in frustration as I get up and pull on the blouse "You should get the door. It could be Rose and Alex"

He shakes his head "I'm not expecting either of them"

The door bell rang for the third time as Ayo called out "I'm coming. I'm coming"

I pull him up and give him a swift peck "Go get the door, pretty boy"

He smirks at me and pulls the door open when he got there. From my angle, I could see an elderly couple coming in. From the look of the resemblance on the older man's face, it was no mistaken obviousness that Ayo's parents were here.

Dun dun dun
Abbie's gonna meet his parents. I wonder how that would be like.

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