The Gardener

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With tulips between tulips
I plant my breath.
Her rocking hips,
The honey drips.

Her loin is shaking
As it rains,
The clouds are breaking!
She drenches her plains.

Her skin as soft as rose pedals;
My thorns like horns made of metal.
The sound of digging cracks and quakes
As I melt from the noises that she makes.

We slide against our body's dew.
Her broken whispers "I love you!".
I grit my teeth "I love you too...
And I'm going to beat all the sweat out of you"

My Holy Hell
In lust we dwell,
Where lovers meet.
To once the Heavens were her feet

Now a weeping willow, she wilts
As her face is held down on her pillow.
Her breasts and knees upon her quilt,
Tears beading up on my sheets of silk.
Beaten up as her woman leaks of milk;
The rush relieves her of the guilt.
Shivers from the pain that I have dealt,
Quivers from the pleasure that she felt.

My stem is planted,
I release my roots
Deep inside her bamboo chute.
To one day grow-
A seed to rise
From this precious broken fruit.

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