Dementors and Hogwarts

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Mrs. Weasley woke us up very early the next morning. We were all having breakfast and and Molly (I figured I best start calling her that) was telling Ginny, Hermione, and I about a love potion she made when she was younger. We all giggled a lot and Percy stormed in.

When it was time to leave, we all heaved our trunks down the narrow staircase and piled them near the door. We brought Hermes, Hedwig, who was Harry's owl, and Twyla (which is what I decided to call my owl) down. Hermione laid a small wickerwork basket next to the trunks and it was spitting madly.

"It's all right, Crookshanks, I'll let you out on the train." Hermione said soothingly.

"You won't," Ron snapped, "What about poor Scabbers eh?" he said pointing to his chest pocket where Scabbers resided. Mr. Weasley was outside waiting for the cars. He stuck his head inside and announced the cars' arrival.

"They're here. Harry, come on." he urged.

We walked across the pavement to two old-fashioned dark green cars which were each driven by furtive-looking wizards in emerald velvet. We all sat down. I was in-between Ron and Hermione. I immediately felt bad for Ron afterwards because I was sure he would rather sit next to Hermione and Percy sat on his other side. Ron's face of disgust when Percy next to him was hilarious though. We reached Kings Cross twenty minutes early. The Ministry drivers found us trolleys for our trunks. They helped us unload them and touched their hats to Mr. Weasley as a salute.

I notice Mr. Weasley keep Harry close.

"Right then," said Mr. Weasley as he glanced around at us."Lets do this in pairs, since there are so many of us. I'll go first with Harry."

Mr. Weasley then strolled over to the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. He gave Harry a meaningful look and leaned casually against the barrier. Harry did the same and they both fell in.

I planned to go with Ginny and Percy since it was an odd number. I took a deep breath and Ginny smiled reassuringly at me as Percy put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a pat. We all ran through and instead of hitting a wall, my eyes met a beautiful scarlet steam engine and many witches and wizards helping their children on to the train. We were all panting and I saw Harry and Mr. Weasley.

"Ah, there's Penelope!" Percy exclaimed as he smoothed his hair and went a bit pink. I rolled my eyes and Ginny and I tried to hide our laughter. I saw Ginny catch Harry's eye but they both turned away. I laughed internally and watched as Percy strode over to the curly-haired girl with his chest thrown out so she could see the badge.

The remaining Weasley's and Hermione joined us and Ron led the way up the train. The twins said to come to their compartment so they could introduce me to Lee. I said yes but decided to sit with Ron so I could get to know Harry and Hermione a bit better. Ron led the way to the end of the train. We loaded our trunks into it and went back outside to say goodbye to Mrs. Weasley.

She kissed all of her children and then Hermione, me, then Harry who looked flustered but happy when she gave him an extra hug.

"Do take care, won't you, Harry and Y/n?" She asked with bright eyes. We both nodded.

"I've made you all sandwiches....Here you are,, they're not corned beef....Fred? Where's Fred? Here you are, dear...."

As Molly handed me my sandwich, I noticed Mr. Weasley --or er-- Arthur take Harry away. After a few moments, Molly called for them.

"He's coming Molly!" was the reply.

We all went on the train and leaned against the window waving bye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. They soon disappeared from view.

Thunderbird (Draco x reader)Where stories live. Discover now