Chapter 9: Law and Loopholes

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Okay, hi.

I just want you to know how much I appreciate each and every read! Gracias!

Alrighty, let's get into the story


   Burr brought me home after I fell asleep in his arms. He told my father and older sisters what happened. At least, according to Jade. Everyone was upset, none more than me. Eliza told me she wrote a letter to a continental soldier whom she met at the ball (guess who~) and his return stated that I was lucky. He could have done much worse to me, many British soldiers are more cruel. I guess that's true but it's still horrible.

The next week was uneventful. The only major thing that happened was receiving the contract.

"(Y/N), you should talk to the man I'm courting," Eliza told me, "he's practicing law. He may find a loophole in this contract."

I raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

    Eliza nodded. She seemed confident and I know she's trusting and kind so I think this 'Hamilton' character can find something.

"Alright. If you can get him over here, WE will try to find a loop." I've read a few books on law and the back when I was living in France. I'm not letting this man try to handle my personal business on his own.

Eliza smiles, "You won't regret this, (Y/N). He's a genius."

I chuckle, "I'll believe it when I see it."

A few days later and quite a lot of studying, I met Mr. Hamilton. He was a bit shorter than the average man. He had intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame. He had his long, brown hair pulled in a ponytail and a bit of stubble around his mouth. I would've found him attractive but he had this posture, maybe it's a vibe but something about him makes him seem like the smartest in the room. And he knows it.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Schuyler. I was told I could be of some assistance to you."

I nod, "I'm just looking for a loophole in this contract." I hold up the paper and wrinkle my nose in disgust like a child seeing broccoli.

    Hamilton sighs, "Those damn lobster-backs are doing this to all of these innocent women. I am so sorry, Ms. Schuyler.

    I shake my head, "Don't feel pity for me, Mr. Hamilton. Pity won't change what has been done."

    He chuckles, "Spoken like a true scholar."

    I look at him, "That's a compliment coming from you, Mr. Hamilton."

    He grins and then examines the page, his smile quickly turns to a worried expression.


    "The Tyrant King may not be smart but he definitely triple checked this contract."

    I look down. Tears begin falling to the floor.

    "I'm an idiot... I should ha.."

    Hamilton interrupts me, "(Y/N), Eliza told me what happened. From what I heard, it isn't your fault. You fell ill at the wrong time, you can't control sickness."

"Thank you, Mr. Hamilton. I still believe I can do something. Maybe I can fight in the war?"

Hamilton quickly looks down, "I don't think I'm the best person to talk to about this."

    "Then who should I talk to about this?"

    Right on cue, Burr walks in.

    Aaron smirks, "How on Earth did you invite Hamilton over and not myself?"

Hamilton chuckles, "Common sense?"

    "Aaron!" I rush over and hug him, he chuckles and hugs me back.

    Alexander smiles and respectfully leaves the room, giving us privacy.

    "Shall we look over this contract of yours?"

   "Gladly. I'd love to be rid of the damned thing."

    Aaron sighs, "I agree full-heartedly."

    Alexander, Aaron, and I glance over the multi paged contract for several hours, desperate to find a single loophole. Anything that would help the situation.

    Alexander jumps up, "I got it!"

    Burr speaks, "What is the loophole?"

    "If her blood father refuses the contract, it will be terminated! We can go get Mr. Schuyler and end this dilemma!"

    I sigh, "Blood father."

    Alexander gives me a look of confusion.

    "I'm an orphan. I was adopted by the Schuyler family, Mr. Hamilton. My blood father put me up for adoption."

    "Then maybe we can visit your blood father?"

    "Impossible. Unless we can somehow go to the bottom of the Atlantic."

    Alex places a hand on my shoulder, receiving a territorial look from Burr, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

    I shrug, "It's fine. He was a douche anyway."

    Alexander chuckles, "My father as well. Anyway, that's the only loophole I was able to find, I sincerely apologize."

    I sigh, "It isn't your fault, Mr. Hamilton. Thank you for your assistance."

    He nods, "Likewise. Have a good evening, Ms. Schuyler."

    Alexander leave as Burr sighs, "I thought he would never leave."

    "I didn't know you had a rivalry with Mr. Hamilton, Aaron."

    He chuckles, "I wouldn't call it a rivalry... More of a clash of personalities."

"So, a rivalry, then?"

He smirks and kisses my cheek, "Touché."

I giggle and then decide to ask him the question Hamilton failed to answer, "I want to fight in the war alongside you, Burr."

He frowns, "(Y/N), George Washington isn't letting women sign up for the war. It isn't allowed."

"So I cannot support my country?"

"That isn't what he means. It just isn't legal."

"I want to contribute to the war! There has to be a legal way!"

    "You could be a nurse. General Washington is desperate for medics and it is legally acceptable."

    I smile, "That's perfect," I quickly peck him on the lips, "Thank you, Aaron."

    He smiles and pecks my forehead, "Anything for you, le plus cher."

    I giggle, "I didn't know you spoke French, Burr."

    "I took lessons at Princeton College. I could tell you know French from your accent."

    "That's a bold thing to assume, Mr. Burr."

He chuckles, "Is that so?"

    I laugh a bit, "You are correct though if it makes you feel better."

    He does a miniature fist pump in the air, making me laugh.

    "You're a goofball, Aaron."

    "You're beautiful, (Y/N)."

    I feel my cheeks heat up, "Burr, you are such a flirt."

    "And you are such an amazing person."

    I look at him with a smirk on my face, "Burr, do you have anything better to do than flirt with a woman trying to find a way to break up with her fiancé?"

    "No, because, you see, I am in love with the woman trying to break up with her fiancé."

Okay, sorryyyyy one last thing! I apologize for my flirting sooo much. I am a cringe human and I do not know how to socialize like a normal person.
- Em

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