Chapter 16: Encouragement from Beyond the Grave

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Katya and Mia arrived at the consulate with just enough time for their hair and makeup to be styled and their dresses slipped on before Katya had to give her speech. However, once she got there she was informed that she had two dresses for the night, one to address the paparazzi in and another for the ball itself; so after the announcement she would have to change again.

Once the girls were dressed and ready they made their way into the grand hall where everyone was waiting. Mia went to stand next to their mother, Lily, Jeremiah, and Michael; while Katya moved to stand on the other side of the stage and waited for Clarisse to announce her.

 Mia went to stand next to their mother, Lily, Jeremiah, and Michael; while Katya moved to stand on the other side of the stage and waited for Clarisse to announce her

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"My fellow Genovians," Clarisse began smiling at the public, "and honored guests good evening. And, oh hello," Katya leaned forward to see who her grandmother was greeting, only to find the police officer and trolley driver from their little trip the week before. She smirked at the sight of them.

"And may I say welcome to our grand Genovian Independence Day ball. Before we begin the festivities, my granddaughter, Katyana, is here with an announcement of her own, Katyana please." Clarisse motioned for her to come forward.

Katya stepped up to the podium and smiled at the crowd, "Hello and thank you all so much for coming." She looked down to find her family and smiled at the sight of them all standing together, "My grandmother requested that I inform everyone about my sister and I's decision pertaining to the Genovian throne. I am sad to announce that my sister, Amelia, has made the decision to abdicate her position as princess."

Mummers began to flow through the crowd at the announcement, but Katya simply raised her hand and they quieted again, "My decision to become Genovia's next queen was never a hard choice to make for me. I knew from the moment my grandmother told my sister and me who we were that this was the path I was going to take. I will admit that I had a moment of hesitation earlier today when I suddenly realized what all of this meant, but a few encouraging words from my father helped to put my thoughts into perspective, and I can only hope to be as kind and as wise a ruler as my grandmother has been. So with that being said, I stand before you tonight as Katyana Nicollet Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess and Heir to the Genovian throne."

The crowd began to applaud and Katya looked behind her to see Clarisse smiling proudly with tear filled eyes. As the crowd continued to clap Clarisse and Joe walked onto the stage, Joe carrying a pillow that was holding a tiara.

"This was my very first tiara." Clarisse informed her as she lifted the crown off the pillow and placed it on Katya's head, "I was rather fond of it. I'm hoping you will be too."

"It's beautiful." Katya smiled bowing her head down a bit so Clarisse could slip it on her.

The Prime Minister began singing the Genovian anthem as she and Clarisse joined hands and walked to the front of the stage, "Her Majesty Queen Clarisse and her Royal Highness Katyana, princess of Genovia."

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