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"Samchon," Taewon looked up after he carefully places the icing on the small cupcakes in front of him, his tongue on the side as he concentrates to place it on the right spot and way.

"Yes Taewon?" Jimin smiles and looks at the boy.

"Can I just call you Jimin hyung?" The boy asks with eyes gleaming with hope.

"Taewon, you know you can call me anything." Jimin giggled as he saw the cheesy-smile on the boy.

"Really? Can I call you Minie then?" Taewon asks excitingly, not caring if Jungkook was silently glaring at him as he guards the two beside them.

"No Taewon! That's my property." Jungkook says and crosses him arms, glaring at the boy with his tongue out.

"Nooo! Minie is mine from the day I first saw him." Taewon hugged Jimin's legs.

Jungkook sighed and quickly grabs Jimin after he saw the arms around his legs slowly weakening.

Jungkook immediately back hugs his boyfriend and places his chin on the shoulder, a glare on his face that was especially for the kid.

"Appa!! Ahjussi is stealing my Minie." Taewon stomped his foot on the floor and the older quickly walked to him, not forgetting to glare at Jungkook who was getting a small scolding from the smaller.

"Taewon, you know that Minie is Jungkook ahjussi's boyfriend." Jin tells the kid as he softly holds his son's small hands as he smiles at the pout his son was displaying.

"...." The kid didn't say anything but pouted and looked down on the floor.

Jin sighs, "This means that they both love each other and Minie is Jungkook's and Jungkook is Minie's."

"What about me? What am I to Minie?" Taewon speaks and felt Jimin turning him around.

"You know Taewon, you are like my baby brother who wouldn't let me go anywhere unless I tell him where I am going and would cling to me anytime. I find this cute because I know that you love me and that you care about me." Jimin says and cups the boy's cheeks whose smile was now painted on his face.

"Really? You love me more than ahjussi?" Taewon gasped and Jimin shook his head, seeing Jungkook silently glaring at the boy again.

"Yes I love Taewon but I love this ahjussi more because he's my boyfriend." Jimin glances at the younger who blushed but didn't show it to the others.

"Fine, he's your boyfriend and I am your best friend then! No excuses." Taewon sighs and holds out his pinky to Jimin who was kneeling in front of him as the two locks the pinky promise together.

Jin ruffled his son's hair, smiling and says that the four needs to complete all of these mini cupcakes for the mini-evening-pre-halloween party later.

"When are you going to marry him Jungkook?" Jin whispers to the younger as he carefully places the mini frosted cupcake on the platter, blushing immediately.

"Later hyung." Was all Jungkook said.

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