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"Jungkook, what flavor?" Jimin turns to the younger as he prepares his payment for the ice cream he will be buying by the ice cream stand meters away from where they were sitting.

"Chocolate as usual." Jungkook smiles at him as the other replies back with a smile. "Wait I'll come with you." He immediately said and walks beside Jimin but was stopped by a hand on his arm.

"Kookie it's fine and you cannot just leave our masks there on the grass, can you?" Jimin says and points at the two masks.

"And, those are made by the amazing hands of Jin hyung so we just can't leave it there. You have to guard it or else we might get a punch on the head." Jimin says and runs to the ice cream stand.

Jungkook sighs and gives up, sitting beside masks and grabs his phone from his pocket to remove the boredom that was starting to form. Yes, there are times that he can get bored without Park Jimin by his side.

"Oh yeah that message." Jungkook's eyes widen as he remembers the unknown number that had texted him yesterday night at the party which had made him curious especially with the mention of his boyfriend.

He then pressed the messaging app and is quick to press the 'unknown' name on his message list.

Unknown: hey jungkook, look at this


Unknown: this was taken last week when i saw your boyfriend, jimin at the mall kissing with his other man

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Unknown: this was taken last week when i saw your boyfriend, jimin at the mall kissing with his other man

Jungkook felt anger quickly rushing through him as he replies back.

Jungkook: thats not jimin

Unknown: jungkook you can ask jimin himself

Unknown: he looked terrified when he caught me staring at him with shock and immediately pulled the man away from me

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