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"Jungkook, Jimin!" The two who were silently sitting on the bed together turned their heads to the door.

"Jin hyung? What are you doing here?" Jungkook tilts his head and grabs Jimin's hand beneath the big, long white pillow on their laps.

Jin didn't say anything and was just breathing heavily, thousands of questions running through his mind as he looks at the two male who was fighting yesterday and were now sitting closely together.

"What, when, how—" Jin spoke and was stopped by a laugh from Jimin. "Hyung, it was just this morning. Jungkook ran to my—our house when I was just planning to go to your house." Jimin smiles and looks down, blushing and felt those familiar emotions he'd loved to feel every day.

"How—" Jin's breathe was sped up once again and Jungkook handed him out a bottle of water from the table beside the bed.
Jin then thanked him as he listens to one of them explaining what had happened without him knowing.

"—We then both hugged, apologized and said hundreds of 'sorrys'. And most importantly, we then kissed! Oh gosh, I missed those plump, soft lips on mines! I want to touch his—" Jungkook's hand then goes lower and lower as his hand sends shivers through Jimin's back, receiving a glare from his boyfriend.

"Ok, ok, I'm happy that you guys are now okay." Jin smiles.

"Thank you hyung." Jimin said and looked down again at his hand being intertwined with his lover's.

"So Jungkook, when will you do—" Jin then changed the subject, wiggling his eyebrows at the youngest male inside the room.
"Yah hyung!" Jungkook glared at him and Jin immediately knew he had to make a way to make Jimin not suspicious about what he had said.

Jimin looked at Jungkook confusingly. Jungkook didn't say anything and smiled at his lover, his eyebrow suddenly creaking in the direction of Jin who panicked of thinking to what to say.

"He's planning to take you out on a Busan date for three days! Yeah! He said you guys were going to visit each other's place and houses." Jin suddenly speaks and Jimin turned to the other with a smile.

"Really Kookie?" Jimin smiles and Jungkook nods, smiling too.

Jimin just smiled as he loved the feeling of his hand intertwined with the other, not noticing that Jungkook were giving mental not-to-much-scolding to the older who is now scolding him with glares, telling him to stay on his place.

lel so this is the end of the Halloween special that took me at least 3 days to finish lel (school pepol, school).

Anyways, hope you like it!! :))

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