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"Hyung, what do I do now? I've messed up, I didn't trust and believe him. Heck, I didn't even listen to his explanation. I'm such a—" Jungkook places his face on both of his palms as Jin listens to him explain what had happened and why he came home crying.

"Stop, don't say that word because I know you're not that kind of person." Jin says and Jungkook looks up, his nose red and stuffy and eyes red from crying.

"But hyung! I didn't listen to Jimin hyung and just ignored and left him there at the park! Crying and probably screaming because of what I said to him before I left." Jungkook cries out and feels the older scoop him into a hug, feeling his hand soothing his back.

"Yes, I'm mad at you now Jungkook. For hurting my precious cousin and for not staying behind to just have the patience to listen to Jimin just for a minute. But everyone makes mistakes right?"

Jungkook didn't respond as his thoughts go back to what had happened a while ago. He sniffed and felt tears trailing down his cheek. He knows that he was greatly hurt and felt betrayed by what he had seen. But he knew that hurting Jimin and saying those words he's fearing to hear and say more hurt him more.

To conclude it, Jungkook was mad at himself.

"I understand why you left him there without him explaining. I understand how you felt hurt and betrayed when you saw that picture. But everything's not yet too late am I right?" Jin says and pushes Jungkook out of the hug, staring straight at the male.

"No, it's too late. He probably hates me now. He probably doesn't even want to see and talk to me. I even ruined our supposed-to-be happy halloween date this year."

"No, it's not too late Jungkook. I know that Jimin won't give up on this. I know him, he wouldn't just give up easily and let his emotions completely eat him. Although this is the first time I've ever heard Jimin cry with so much pain unlike before."
Jin responds and Jungkook feels more down and unconfident in getting him back.

Jin looked at the younger's face and panicked as he realizes on what he said. "But it's not too late Jungkook. Remember that." Jin ruffles his hair and hugs him before he tells the younger that he can sleep here until everything is okay.


A ding came from Jungkook's phone.

Unknown: hello ggukie

Unknown: how are you?

And Jungkook's eyebrow was raised up, "Lisa?"

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